Meeting of the National Focal Points of African LDCs on Response to COVID-19 and Way Forward

The COVID-19 pandemic has laid bare the extreme vulnerability of LDCs. LDCs are facing an unprecedent challenge in coping with the multifaceted impact of a global health crisis while struggling to stay on track of sustainable development. Without swift and enhanced global assistance, development trajectory of LDCs will bereversed.
This global pandemic also came at a time when LDCs together with development partners and the UN system are designing the next programme of action for the remaining 10 years of the 2030 Agenda.
This virtual meeting of National Focal Points (NFPs) of LDCs provides an opportunity for NFPs to share effective initiatives, policies and measures, pinpoint setbacks particularly short and long-term socio-economic impacts caused by the crisis in the implementation of the IPoA and SDGs, and discuss impediments to recovery and much-needed international support. It will also identify opportunities to advance sustainable development in LDCs. Relevant UN agencies as well as UN Resident Coordinators or their representatives are invited to share their perspectives.
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Photo: The front lines of fighting COVID-19 in Madagascar.