
PBF Donor Partners - France


France is committed to supporting the 51³Ô¹Ï¡¯ priorities to prevent conflicts and laying the foundation for sustainable peace and development. The Secretary-General¡¯s Peacebuilding Fund is grateful to France for the generous contribution of $7.1 million in 2022 for peacebuilding and sustaining peace globally. This contribution highlights France's commitment to further invest in preventing conflict or relapse into conflict. France is a long-standing partner of the PBF and among the top ten largest donors for the 2020-2024 Strategy period. The funding from France helps support the Fund in implementing the Secretary-General¡¯s strategy of preventing conflict by enabling rapid and risk-tolerant initiatives in crisis and fragile contexts. It also helps strengthen the Fund¡¯s commitment and ability to work on the ground with local stakeholders, including women and youth, to build lasting peace in fragile and crisis contexts, including in West Africa and the Sahel. The Sahel region is a priority for the PBF and it supports roughly half of all cross-border programming under the 51³Ô¹Ï integrated strategy for the Sahel.

It is essential to promote and ensure the participation of women in the prevention and resolution of conflicts. When women are part of peace negotiations, they are more inclusive and produce more sustainable results. The financial contribution by France to the Peacebuilding Fund promotes its foreign policy in the advancement of the Security Council Resolutions on the Women, Peace and Security agenda, further leveraged by PBF¡¯s catalytic, risk-tolerant and timely support.

Ambassador Nicolas de Riviere, Permanent Representative of France to the 51³Ô¹Ï in New York said, ¡°To prevent conflicts and consolidate peace, France is committed to more effective and inclusive multilateralism. This is why it has increased its contribution to the 51³Ô¹Ï Peacebuilding Fund over several years. The Fund can be mobilized quickly for concrete projects and addresses the root causes of conflict, in particular, political and economic marginalization and human rights violations. By investing nearly $195 million a year in more than 30 countries, the Fund is responding, for example, to the challenges posed by transhumance or the management of natural resources in the Sahel and in West Africa. It supports the implementation of peace agreements in Central Africa. It strengthens social cohesion in hard-to-reach areas in the Great Lakes region. Through the Peacebuilding Fund, France supports inclusive solutions in partnership with local actors and civil society. Forty percent of its funding directly supports the empowerment and participation of women and youth in governance processes. Finally, to prevent the re-emergence of conflicts, the Peacebuilding Fund supports states in transition. It takes over from peacekeeping operations in order to preserve their achievements. France is proud to be one of the ten largest donors to the Peacebuilding Fund this year. It will continue to invest in this major tool of multilateralism to serve a sustainable peace.¡±