Twenty years ago, in the aftermath of the 9/11 terrorist attacks, the Security Council unanimously adopted resolution 1373. What have the Counter-Terrorism Committee (CTC) and the Counter-Terrorism Committee Executive Directorate (CTED) accomplished over the past 20 years? Here is a short list of 20 things.
1. Monitoring Member States* implementation of the relevant Council resolutions:
Since 2005, CTED has visited 117 Member States and completed a total of 181 comprehensive, focused, regional and follow-up visits.
2. The Council*s policy guidance and the CTC*s updated visit framework and temporary procedures for conducting hybrid country visits have enabled CTED to ensure business continuity throughout the COVID-19 pandemic.
3. CTED*s recently upgraded electronic desk review and stocktaking tools will help ensure that we continue to maintain an accurate global picture of Member States* implementation efforts on the basis of substantial qualitative and quantitative data.
4. CTED also has two flagship products: the Global Survey of States* implementation of resolution 1373 (2001) and other relevant resolutions, and the Global Survey of States* implementation of resolution 1624 (2005).
5. The fundamental global counter-terrorism framework established by resolution 1373 has been built upon, expanded, elaborated and refined in response to the changing threat landscape through the adoption of more than 20 further Council resolutions.
6. Facilitating the delivery of technical assistance:
The Counter-Terrorism Coordination Platform currently contains 23 CTC reports on its visits to States that have given their consent to a full or partial release of the report and high priority technical assistance needs.
7. CTED promotes a broad range of policy guidance and papers developed by the Council and the Committee to assist Member States to address evolving terrorist threats and challenges, including the 2015 Madrid Guiding Principles and their 2018 Addendum.
8. CTED*s Technical Guide to the implementation of resolution 1373 (2001) and other resolutions also serves as a useful reference for Member States in their implementation efforts.
9. The Committee has also arranged, on a regular basis, special meetings, open and closed briefings and other events with Member States and international and regional organizations on issues of common and current concern with a view to maximizing the impact of the relevant resolutions and sustaining the commitment of the international community to counter terrorism and violent extremism conducive to terrorism.
10. CTED*s collaborations with member entities of the Global Coordination Compact have resulted in the publication of a number of compendiums on good practices in a number of areas, including the responsible use of biometrics, the protection of critical infrastructure, and battlefield-evidence collection.
11. Partnership, collaboration and cooperation with other Security Council subsidiary bodies such as 1267/1989/2253 and 1540 Committees and their experts* groups, as well as relevant UN entities and international organizations are essential in the collective efforts to tackle the challenges of terrorism. The Committee has also had active engagement with regional and subregional organizations and entities, as well as with civil society, the private sector, academia and other non-governmental actors.
12. CTED continues to analyse new and emerging trends, threats and challenges to assist the Council and the Committee to address the evolving terrorism landscape.
13. CTED routinely publishes Trends Reports on emerging threats, including three reports on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on global counter-terrorism efforts.
14. CTED routinely integrates relevant human rights concerns into all its activities, including in its country assessments, desk review profiles, the facilitation of technical assistance, and other interactions with Member States.
15. Other progress includes:
An increase in the number of States parties to the international counter-terrorism instruments, which 每 in turn 每 enhanced international cooperation in criminal and law enforcement matters when countering terrorism;