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Security Council - Counter-Terrorism Committee (CTC)
Counter-Terrorism Committee Executive Directorate (CTED)
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2023 51勛圖 Copyright
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Countering the financing of terrorism
Border security and arms trafficking
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Integrating gender into counter-terrorism
Countering violent extremism and terrorist narratives
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Foreign terrorist fighters
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Security Council Resolutions
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2023 51勛圖 Copyright
2023 51勛圖 Copyright
#CTNarratives: Open meeting of the Counter-Terrorism Committee
#NoWeapons4Terrorists: Open briefing of the Counter-Terrorism Committee on 17 May 2017 at 3:00 p.m.
#UnitedAgainstTerror: Special meeting of the UN Counter-Terrorism Committee on international judicial and law enforcement cooperation
10th South Asia workshop for law enforcement a testimony to the continuity of stronger counter-terrorism cooperation in the region
11th Contemporary Criminal Law International Symposium on ※Combating Financing of Terrorism and Facilitating International Counter-Terrorism Cooperation§
20 Years, 20 Accomplishments
2019 activities of the CTED/UNODC/IAP Global Initiative on Digital Evidence Across Borders
2020 visits (map)
2020 Year in Review
2023 Counter-Terrorism Week | CTED co-organizes side event on the nexus between organized crime and terrorism in the Americas
2023 Counter-Terrorism Week | CTED co-organizes side event ※Addressing the linkages between the destruction and illicit trafficking of cultural property and terrorism: scope of the threat and responses to the phenomenon§
2023 Counter-Terrorism Week | CTED participates in side event on aviation security and counter-terrorism
2023 Counter-Terrorism Week | CTED partners on side event on good practices for managing violent extremist prisoners
9th Regional Workshop for Judges, Prosecutors, and Police Officers on Effectively Countering Terrorism in South Asia concludes
A Summary of the 51勛圖 Compendium of Recommended Practices for the Responsible Use and Sharing of Biometrics in Counter-Terrorism
About the UN
Addressing CTC, Australia stresses need for regional and international partnerships
Advancing accountability for the destruction, looting of and trafficking in cultural heritage by terrorist groups, policy event co-organized by CTED, UNESCO, The Soufan Center
Africa now &global epicentre* of terrorism: UN chief
Algeria announces the non-binding guiding principles for Member States on preventing, detecting and disrupting the use of new and emerging financial technologies for terrorist purposes
Annual Security Council briefing of counter-terrorism subsidiary body Chairs
ASEAN police in high-level observation visit to the Southeast European Law Enforcement Center
ASG Coninsx conducts high-level consultations with Tunisia
ASG Coninsx conducts high-level political visit to Sri Lanka
ASG Gherman leads focused on-site assessment visit to Spain
Asia and the Pacific
Asia Group Foundation briefs Counter-Terrorism Committee
Asia/Pacific Group on Money Laundering briefs Security Council Counter-Terrorism Committee
Asia/Pacific Group on Money Laundering workshop a platform for learning about latest trends
Assessing the impact of twenty years of counter-terrorism in Africa
Assistant Secretary-General Natalia Gherman leads first assessment visit to the Democratic Republic of the Congo
Australian Permanent Mission and the Counter-Terrorism Committee Executive Directorate co-host roundtable about the Global Terrorism Index
Battle against Da*esh, a &long-term game*, Voronkov tells Security Council
Battlefield and digital evidence crucial factor in successful prosecution of foreign terrorist fighters 每 CTED, UNODC, and IAP launch practical guide to help Member States
Belgium briefs the Security Council Counter-Terrorism Committee
Border security and arms trafficking
Briefing by Deputy Head of National Anti-terrorism Committee Central Office of the Russian Federation
Building National Capacities to Counter Terrorist Travel: A Side Event on the UN Countering Terrorist Travel Programme
Call for input: Guidance document on countering terrorism financing while respecting human rights
Central Africa
Central America
Central Asia and the Caucasus
Central Asian States reaffirm commitment to cooperation with 51勛圖 in countering terrorism
CFT Database
Chair of the Counter-Terrorism Committee
Chair of the Counter-Terrorism Committee and CTED in dialogue with Member States of the Central Asian region
Chair of the Counter-Terrorism Committee and the Executive Director of CTED reiterate support to Yemen
Chair of the Counter-Terrorism Committee participates in ICAO symposium on machine readable travel documents, biometrics, and border security
Chair of the Security Council Counter-Terrorism Committee in visit to NATO discusses closer cooperation
Chairs and Vice-Chairs of Security Council subsidiary bodies for 2016
Chile*s Financial Analysis Unit and Ministry for External Relations convene international experts in terrorism financing workshop
Civil Society Perspectives: Engagement in Countering Terrorism and Violent Extremism in South-East Europe
Civil society perspectives: ISIL in Africa - Key trends and developments
Civil Society Perspectives: ISIL in Africa 每 Key Trends and Developments
Closing statement (in French) by ASG and ED Jean-Paul Laborde at CTC open briefing on ※Upholding Justice§ with Supreme Court justices (10 March 2016)
Collaboration between New York University and the Counter-Terrorism Committee Executive Directorate to counter terrorists exploiting ICT raises strategic questions
Committee Members from 2001 to 2021
Comprehensive and integrated counter-terrorism strategies
Concerns over the use of proceeds from the exploitation, trade, and trafficking of natural resources for the purposes of terrorism financing
Conclusions, declaration, and guiding principles on stemming the flow of foreign terrorist fighters now available as Security Council document
Conference: Collaboration to counter terrorists exploiting ICT
Cool News
Counter-terrorism 'rhetoric' used to justify rise of surveillance technology: human rights expert
Counter-Terrorism and Border Management in Africa
Counter-Terrorism and Border Management in Africa. Part 1: Fundamental and Crosscutting Challenges
Counter-Terrorism and Border Management in Africa. Part 2: Technical and Capacity Related Gaps
Counter-Terrorism Committee adopts updated Global Surveys of the implementation of Security Council resolution 1373 (2001) and other relevant resolutions and Security Council resolution 1624 (2005), respectively, by Member States
Counter-Terrorism Committee adopts updated post-visit guidelines
Counter-Terrorism Committee and 1267/1989/2253 ISIL (Da*esh) and Al-Qaida Sanctions Committee hold joint open briefing on ※ISIL in Africa: nature of threat and responses§
Counter-Terrorism Committee announces launch of global research network
Counter-Terrorism Committee briefs Western European States affected by FTF phenomenon
Counter-Terrorism Committee Chair and CTED meet with East African diplomats on regional efforts to counter terrorism
Counter-Terrorism Committee Chair briefs the Security Council
Counter-Terrorism Committee concludes assessment visit to Malaysia
Counter-Terrorism Committee concludes focused visit to Fiji
Counter-Terrorism Committee concludes focused visit to Samoa
Counter-Terrorism Committee concludes follow-up assessment visit to the Sultanate of Oman
Counter-Terrorism Committee conducts a follow-up assessment visit to the Islamic Republic of Mauritania
Counter-Terrorism Committee conducts assessment visit to Canada
Counter-Terrorism Committee conducts assessment visit to Somalia
Counter-Terrorism Committee conducts assessment visit to the Republic of C?te d*Ivoire
Counter-Terrorism Committee conducts assessment visit to the Republic of Ghana
Counter-Terrorism Committee conducts assessment visit to Turkmenistan
Counter-Terrorism Committee conducts first assessment visit to Benin
Counter-Terrorism Committee conducts first visit to Malawi
Counter-Terrorism Committee conducts first visit to the Republic of Chile
Counter-Terrorism Committee conducts first visit to the Republic of Ecuador
Counter-Terrorism Committee conducts follow-up visit to Senegal
Counter-Terrorism Committee conducts follow-up visit to Tanzania
Counter-Terrorism Committee conducts follow-up visit to United Arab Emirates
Counter-Terrorism Committee conducts second assessment visit to Thailand
Counter-Terrorism Committee discusses threats posed by financing of terrorism
Counter-Terrorism Committee Executive Director meets with Minister of Labour and Social Affairs of Iraq
Counter-Terrorism Committee Executive Directorate continues its support in countering cross-border movement of terrorists
Counter-Terrorism Committee Executive Directorate holds extensive consultations on non-binding guiding principles on new and emerging technologies
Counter-Terrorism Committee follow-up assessment visit to Uzbekistan enhances mutual understanding
Counter-Terrorism Committee for the first time convenes informal meeting on Iraq*s technical assistance needs open also to non-members
Counter-Terrorism Committee holds briefing on returning foreign terrorist fighters
Counter-Terrorism Committee holds informal meeting on community engagement in Asia
Counter-Terrorism Committee holds informal meeting on priority technical assistance needs of Afghanistan
Counter-Terrorism Committee holds open briefing on #CTEDTechnicalGuide
Counter-Terrorism Committee holds open briefing on #TerrorCrimeNexus
Counter-Terrorism Committee holds open briefing on Addendum to the guiding principles on foreign terrorist fighters (2018)
Counter-Terrorism Committee holds open briefing on border control and security in the context of counter-terrorism
Counter-Terrorism Committee holds open briefing on border control and security in the context of counter-terrorism
Counter-Terrorism Committee holds open briefing on developing counter-terrorism strategies
Counter-Terrorism Committee holds open meeting on countering terrorist narratives and preventing the use of the Internet for terrorist purposes
Counter-Terrorism Committee holds open meeting on countering terrorist narratives and preventing the use of the Internet for terrorist purposes
Counter-Terrorism Committee holds open meeting on countering terrorist narratives and preventing the use of the Internet for terrorist purposes
Counter-Terrorism Committee holds open meeting on the countering of terrorist narratives
Counter-Terrorism Committee holds second informal meeting on counter-terrorism technical assistance needs for Iraq
Counter-Terrorism Committee holds second open meeting with Global Research Network on #TerrorismTrends
Counter-Terrorism Committee holds special meeting commemorating the 20th anniversary of the adoption of Security Council resolution 1373 (2001) and the Committee*s establishment
Counter-Terrorism Committee holds Virtual Open Briefing on the updated ※Technical guide to the implementation of Security Council resolution 1373 (2001) and other relevant resolutions§
Counter-Terrorism Committee holds virtual open briefing on ※Emerging trends in violent extremism conducive to terrorism and addressing violent extremism through a human rights-based approach§
Counter-Terrorism Committee holds virtual open briefing on ※Terrorist threats to civil aviation, the status of implementation of Security Council resolution 2309 (2016), and follow-up to the civil aviation-related provisions of Council resolution 2396 (20
Counter-Terrorism Committee holds virtual open briefing on ※The role of judges, prosecutors and defence counsel in bringing terrorists to justice, including the effective use of battlefield or military-collected evidence§
Counter-Terrorism Committee holds virtual open briefing on ※The threat of terrorism in Latin America and the Caribbean§
Counter-Terrorism Committee issues outcome document following special meeting commemorating the 20th anniversary of the adoption of Security Council resolution 1373 (2001) and the Committee*s establishment
Counter-Terrorism Committee marks anniversary on 28 September
Counter-Terrorism Committee meeting focuses on how to criminalize terrorism
Counter-Terrorism Committee meeting focuses on strengthening community resilience
Counter-Terrorism Committee observes minute of of terrorism silence for victims
Counter-Terrorism Committee Open briefing : The work of CTED with Member States of South & South-East Asia pursuant to Security Council resolution 2395 (2017)
Counter-Terrorism Committee submits proposal for comprehensive international framework to counter terrorist narratives
Counter-Terrorism Committee submits updated Technical Guide to Security Council
Counter-Terrorism Committee to hold Open briefing on Central Asia
Counter-Terrorism Committee to hold open meeting on ※Countering terrorist narratives and preventing the use of the Internet for terrorist purposes§
Counter-Terrorism Committee to hold open meeting with global research network on foreign terrorist fighters
Counter-Terrorism Committee urges States to ※ensure zero tolerance to terrorism§
Counter-Terrorism Committee visit to Italy focuses on foreign terrorist fighter threat, law enforcement and border control challenges
Counter-Terrorism Committee welcomes close cooperation with the Regional Anti-Terrorist Structure of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization
Counter-Terrorism Committee welcomes progress made by States of the Americas
Counter-Terrorism Committee*s special meeting opens, broadcasting live or on-demand
Countering online dissemination of terrorist incident-related content in the spotlight at CTED*s First Insight Briefing
Countering the financing of terrorism
Countering the financing of terrorism in the post COVID-19 landscape virtual side event for second 51勛圖 Counter-Terrorism Week
Countering the Use of New and Emerging Technologies for Terrorist Purposes
Countering violent extremism and terrorist narratives
CTC 20th Anniversary | A Conversation with ASG Mich豕le Coninsx, Executive Director of CTED
CTC 20th Anniversary | A Conversation with Mike Smith, Former Assistant Secretary-General and Executive Director of CTED
CTC 20th Anniversary | An Interview with Ahmed Essmat Seif El-Dawla on Counter-Terrorism Strategies
CTC 20th Anniversary | An Interview with Ambassador Jean-Paul Laborde, Former Assistant Secretary-General and Executive Director of CTED
CTC 20th Anniversary | An Interview with Cecilia Naddeo on Legal and Criminal Justice Issues
CTC 20th Anniversary | An Interview with David Wells on Political Analysis and Research
CTC 20th Anniversary | An Interview with E.J. Flynn on Human Rights
CTC 20th Anniversary | An Interview with Elizabeth Joyce on the Global survey of the implementation of Security Council resolution 1373 (2001) and other relevant resolutions by Member States
CTC 20th Anniversary | An Interview with Jean-Philippe Morange on Border Management and Law Enforcement
CTC 20th Anniversary | An Interview with Jennifer Bramlette on Information and Communications Technologies
CTC 20th Anniversary | An Interview with Krisztina Huszti-Orban on Integrating Gender into Counter-Terrorism
CTC 20th Anniversary | An Interview with Svetlana Martynova on Countering the Financing of Terrorism
CTC 20th Anniversary | CTED experts reflect on their work
CTC and CTED founding documents
CTC and CTED unveil new online assessment and analytics tools?
CTC Chair and CTED attend High-Level International Conference on Human Rights, Civil Society and Counter-Terrorism
CTC Chair and CTED Executive Director called on the Heads of Special Services to strengthen their partnerships
CTC Chair and CTED Executive Director meet with new ICAO Secretary-General
CTC Chair holds open briefing ahead of review of the Madrid Guiding Principles on foreign terrorist fighters
CTC conducts follow-up visit to Morocco
CTC conducts its first assessment visit to Poland
CTC holds open briefing on gender and counter-terrorism
CTC holds open briefing on the work of CTED with Member States of South and South-East Asia pursuant to Security Council resolution 2395 (2017)
CTC holds open briefing on ※Protection of soft targets through local engagement and public private partnerships§
CTC Visit Framework
CTC visit to Turkmenistan completes first round of assessment in Central Asia
CTC, research partners meet to discuss FTF phenomenon
CTC-GRN Open Meeting reflects on past twenty years of counter-terrorism, and highlights key future regional and thematic challenges
CTC/CTED conducts its first visit to Togo
CTC/CTED Work Programmes
CTC*s 20th anniversary
CTED & NYU*s CGA celebrate five years of cooperation
CTED & UNOCT conduct joint high-level consultations with the Republic of Indonesia
CTED & UNOCT conduct joint high-level consultations with the Republic of the Philippines
CTED actively engaged during high-level counter-terrorism conference
CTED addressed IPA-CIS Plenary and Conference on Countering International Terrorism
CTED Analytical Brief 每 Countering Terrorist Narratives Online and Offline
CTED Analytical Brief | Weapons management challenges in the context of terrorism and counter-terrorism in Africa
CTED Analytical Brief 每 Repatriation of ISIL-associated children
CTED Analytical Brief 每 Repatriation of ISIL-associated women
CTED Analytical Brief 每 Soft Targets
CTED Analytical Brief 每 The Prosecution of ISIL-associated Women
CTED Analytical Brief: Management of violent extremist prisoners and the prevention of radicalization to violence in prison
CTED Analytical Brief: A commentary on the codification of the terrorism offence
CTED Analytical Brief: Biometrics and Counter-Terrorism
CTED and ECOWAS reaffirm counter-terrorism cooperation
CTED and French senators exchange views on counter-terrorism
CTED and Global Center convene civil society meeting ahead of review of the Madrid Guiding Principles on foreign terrorist fighters
CTED and ICT4Peace host U.S. launch of Global Internet Forum to Counter Terrorism in San Francisco
CTED and Kenya renew joint commitment to combat terrorism
CTED and Malta reiterate commitment to work together
CTED and Naif Arab University for Security Sciences (NAUSS) held high-level seminar on cross-regional trends on nexus between organized crime and terrorism
CTED and Naif Arab University for Security Sciences (NAUSS) hold a high-level seminar on cross-regional trends on the nexus between organized crime and terrorism
CTED and Naif Arab University for Security Sciences (NAUSS) hold a high-level seminar on cross-regional trends on the nexus between organized crime and terrorism
CTED and New York University co-host event highlighting 20 years of counter-terrorism
CTED and New York University*s Center for Global Affairs mark long-standing partnership
CTED and NYU hold multi-stakeholder focus group on public-private partnerships on countering terrorism
CTED and NYU hold multi-stakeholder focus group on public-private partnerships on countering terrorism
CTED and NYU hold roundtable on private sector engagement on technology and counter-terrorism
CTED and OSCE pledge to continue cooperation on counter-terrorism
CTED and PAM pledge to work together against foreign terrorist fighters
CTED and partners organize regional workshop to help practitioners in cross-border investigations
CTED and Tech Against Terrorism host webinar about ※Cooperation between the UN and smaller tech platforms in countering use of the Internet for terrorist purposes§
CTED and the African Union co-host launch event for Analytical Brief on Weapons Management Challenges in Africa
CTED and the Team of Experts on the Rule of Law and Sexual Violence in Conflict organize the Expert Group Meeting ※Towards meaningful accountability for sexual and gender-based violence in terrorist contexts§
CTED and the UN Countering Terrorist Travel Programme
CTED and UN Women convene 3rd expert meeting of the Platform on Gender and Countering and Preventing Violent Extremism in North Africa
CTED and UN Women host research symposium on gender and terrorism
CTED and UN Women partner in countering violent extremism in South and South-East Asia
CTED and UN Women publish interview series on the impact of COVID-19 on gender and CVE
CTED and UNOCT return to Iraq to follow up on recent high-level visit
CTED and UNODC co-organize regional meeting on effective international judicial cooperation
CTED and UNODC hold an Expert Group Meeting on ※Strategies for the Prosecution, Rehabilitation and Reintegration of Persons Allegedly Associated with Terrorist Groups§
CTED and UNODC host online consultative meeting on tailoring South Asia Regional Toolkit for Judges in Sri Lanka
CTED at ICT World Summit: holistic approach needed to effectively address terrorism
CTED attends a three-day conference with EUROMED in Amman
CTED attends APEC workshop on protection of ※soft§ targets
CTED attends global biometrics conference
CTED attends IPU-UN regional conference on ※The role of parliamentarians in preventing and countering terrorism and addressing conditions conductive to terrorism in the Asia-Pacific region§
CTED briefs Security Council on terrorist threats to international peace and security
CTED briefs Security Council*s Arria-formula meeting on ※Enhancing the capacities of Member States to ensure a gender-responsive approach to counter-terrorism§
CTED briefs the Global Forum on Illicit Financial Flows and Sustainable Development on implementing measures to counter the financing of terrorism
CTED Brownbag Series: In Conversation with Development Services Group (DSG)
CTED calls for enhanced dialogue on counter-terrorism and humanitarian action
CTED calls for increased research investment to identify emerging terrorist threats
CTED co-leads discussions on terrorism financing trends at the Joint Experts Meeting of the Financial Action Task Force
CTED co-organizes a bilateral Niger-Nigeria workshop on criminal justice cooperation for persons associated with Boko Haram
CTED co-organizes expert seminar on how to prevent terrorists from acquiring weapons
CTED Co-Organizes Scoping Mission to Uganda
CTED co-organizes side event about the future of GIFCT
CTED co-organizes side event about the Terrorist Content Analytics Platform
CTED co-organizes third ICT and counter-terrorism dialogue in Asia
CTED co-organizes workshop to support Cameroon in dealing with Boko Haram-associated persons
CTED concludes assessment visit to Belgium
CTED concludes consultation visits to Australia and New Zealand
CTED concludes first regional visit to the Baltic States
CTED concludes focused visit to Montenegro
CTED concludes follow-up assessment visit to Iraq
CTED concludes follow-up visit to the Republic of Kazakhstan
CTED concludes second follow-up assessment visit to Nigeria
CTED concludes second follow-up visit to Uzbekistan
CTED conducts comprehensive assessment visit to Kazakhstan
CTED conducts comprehensive assessment visit to Tajikistan
CTED conducts comprehensive visit to the Federal Republic of Germany
CTED conducts first assessment visit to Peru
CTED conducts focused visit to Australia
CTED conducts focused visit to Denmark
CTED conducts focused visit to New Zealand
CTED conducts focused visit to Switzerland
CTED conducts focused visit to the Republic of Equatorial Guinea
CTED conducts follow-up assessment visit to Armenia
CTED conducts follow-up assessment visit to Georgia
CTED conducts follow-up assessment visit to the Republic of Mali
CTED conducts follow-up visit to Bosnia and Herzegovina
CTED conducts follow-up visit to Finland
CTED conducts follow-up visit to Greece
CTED conducts follow-up visit to Republic of Ghana
CTED conducts follow-up visit to Serbia
CTED conducts follow-up visit to South Africa
CTED conducts follow-up visit to the Republic of Mozambique
CTED conducts follow-up visit to Turkey
CTED conducts follow-up visit to Uganda
CTED conducts follow-up visit to UK on behalf of Counter-Terrorism Committee
CTED conducts hybrid assessment visits on behalf of the CTC amid COVID-19 travel restrictions
CTED conducts regional high-level visit to four Lake Chad Basin States
CTED conducts second follow-up assessment visit to the Kyrgyz Republic
CTED continues its cooperation with Club de Madrid in countering violent extremism
CTED Counter-Terrorism Week side event highlights regional distinctions in impact of COVID-19 on terrorism, counter-terrorism, and CVE
CTED delegation meets with the Director of the Executive Committee of the Regional Anti-Terrorist Structure of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization
CTED delivers keynote address at 2nd World Internet Conference
CTED delivers keynote at the 2019 Congress of the Biometrics Institute
CTED discussed the role played by new digital technologies in terrorism
CTED discusses ISIL trends and developments in Africa with civil society
CTED Executive Director addresses the Fourth Ministerial Conference ※No Money for Terror 2025§ on countering the financing of terrorism
CTED Executive Director attends meeting of ICAO Air Transport and Unlawful Interference Committees 〞 signs cooperation arrangement
CTED Executive Director briefs joint session of the European Parliament on foreign terrorist fighters
CTED Executive Director continues engagement with the Government of Japan in countering terrorism
CTED Executive Director discusses terrorism-related threat with the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Kyrgyzstan
CTED Executive Director gives opening remarks at 2019 OSCE-Wide Counter-Terrorism Conference and convenes a side-event to discuss the implementation of the Addendum to the Guiding Principles on Foreign Terrorist Fighters
CTED Executive Director in Ministerial meeting in Washington on countering violent extremism stresses importance of advance passenger information
CTED Executive Director joins COTER discussion on Western Balkans
CTED Executive Director joins German Federal Agency for Civic Education discussion panel on current and future terrorism trends
CTED Executive Director Laborde participates in international conference against organized crime held in Vienna
CTED Executive Director meets Australian Counter-Terrorism Ambassador
CTED Executive Director meets with Member States on the margins of the General Assembly
CTED Executive Director participates in CSW62 #WomenAgainstTerrorism event
CTED Executive Director participates in international conference on terrorism financing
CTED Executive Director participates in summit on counter-terrorism
CTED Executive Director stresses continued need for global judicial and law enforcement cooperation against ISIL 每 signs Joint Action Plan with INTERPOL
CTED Executive Director welcomes Security Council resolution on foreign terrorist fighters
CTED facilitates national workshop on anti-money laundering and terrorist financing in Nepal
CTED facilitates Tunis workshop on countering terrorism and violent extremism
CTED facilitates Tunis workshop on countering terrorism and violent extremism
CTED highlights FTF and CVE issues at Dakar Forum
CTED highlights latest research of GRN members at the Global Security Forum
CTED holds a specialist workshop on MLA for obtaining electronic evidence
CTED holds briefing on artificial intelligence and the potential risks and opportunities in the context of terrorism and counter-terrorism
CTED holds event exploring post-COVID landscape and implications for terrorism, counter-terrorism, and countering violent extremism
CTED holds Expert Group Meeting on Lawful Access to Digital Data
CTED holds inaugural annual meeting of the Global Research Network
CTED holds joint event with UN Special Rapporteur
CTED holds launch event for its new ※Trends Tracker on Human Rights§
CTED holds multi-stakeholder discussion on establishing effective public-private partnerships on countering the financing of terrorism
CTED holds orientation briefing for the five newly elected Member States of the Security Council and Counter Terrorism Committee
CTED holds regional workshop for criminal-justice practitioners of Central Asia on ※Obtaining Electronic Evidence from Internet Service Providers (SPs) in Counter-Terrorism and related Organized Crime Cross-Border Investigations§
CTED holds regional workshop for criminal-justice practitioners of Central Asia on ※Obtaining Electronic Evidence from Internet Service Providers (SPs) in Counter-Terrorism and related Organized Crime Cross-Border Investigations§
CTED holds virtual launch event for ※Trends Tracker | Evolving Trends in the Financing of Foreign Terrorist Fighters* Activity: 2014 每 2024§
CTED hosts 12th Regional counter-terrorism workshop for judges, prosecutors, and police in South Asia
CTED hosts discussion on proceeds from exploitation and trade in natural resources as source of terrorism financing
CTED hosts high-level expert meeting on evidence related to terrorism cases
CTED hosts Insight Briefing on ※Latest trends in the use of cryptocurrency by terrorist groups and their supporters§
CTED hosts regional meeting on ※Gathering admissible evidence in high-risk situations in order to bring terrorists to justice before national criminal courts§
CTED hosts roundtable discussion with leading human rights experts
CTED hosts technical session to reflect on implementation of Security Council resolution 2178 (2014)
CTED hosts virtual roundtable on ※Threat and Trends: The Traffic and Illicit Trade of Cultural Property for Terrorist Purposes§
CTED in joint project on private sector engagement in responding to terrorists* use of information and communications technologies
CTED Insight Briefing brings technology-driven counter-terrorism into focus
CTED interim review report 2014-2015 (18 December 2015)
CTED joins discussion of evolving terrorist threat in Africa
CTED joins discussions on Bergen Plan of Action and combating extreme right-wing terrorism
CTED joins ICCT online conference on trends in terrorism and radicalization to violence
CTED joins side event on national CVE/PVE action planning
CTED joins the 5th Capital-level meeting of the Women, Peace and Security focal points network
CTED joins UN Action against Sexual Violence in Conflict network
CTED launches Analytical Brief on weapons management challenges in Africa
CTED Launches Guidelines on Battlefield Evidence
CTED launches Trends Report on ※The Gender Dimensions of the Response to Returning Foreign Terrorist Fighters§
CTED leads two virtual deep-dive assessment missions to C?te d*Ivoire and Botswana
CTED leads 51勛圖 Countering Terrorist Travel Programme National Consultation Mission to Pakistan
CTED leads virtual deep-dive assessment mission to Djibouti
CTED leads virtual deep-dive assessment mission to the Maldives
CTED moderates panel and hosts informal meeting at Fifth Global Security Forum
CTED organises in-person gathering of its Global Research Network during UNGA
CTED organizes regional expert meeting on ※Comprehensive and tailored strategies for the prosecution, rehabilitation and reintegration of persons allegedly associated with terrorist groups§
CTED organizes roundtable event with civil society in South-East Europe on the development and implementation of national comprehensive counter-terrorism strategies
CTED Paper每 The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on counter-terrorism and countering violent extremism
CTED Paper每 The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on counter-terrorism and countering violent extremism (ENG) UPDATE
CTED participates in 7th International Forum for Contemporary Criminal Law
CTED participates in civil society workshop in advance of the Joint Regional High-Level Conference on ※Foreign Terrorist Fighters 每Addressing Current Challenges§
CTED participates in consultations with Maldives and Sri Lanka on enhanced technical assistance follow-up
CTED participates in Dushanbe Process Conference
CTED participates in expert panel on strengthening parliamentary action on countering terrorism
CTED participates in fourth plenary meeting of the Global Counterterrorism Forum Capacity-building in the West Africa Region Working Group
CTED participates in GCTF gathering on capacity-building for West Africa
CTED participates in Global Internet Forum to Counter Terrorism Latin America technology workshop
CTED participates in international symposium in Ankara focused on radicalization
CTED participates in IPU-UN regional conference for the Middle East and North Africa
CTED participates in launch of updated 51勛圖 Compendium on protection of critical infrastructure against terrorist attacks
CTED participates in legislative assistance workshop in Cameroon
CTED participates in meetings of the Financial Action Task Force
CTED participates in national workshop on ※Parallel financial investigations in terrorism-financing cases§
CTED participates in open briefing on Counter-Terrorism Implementation Task Force
CTED participates in RCTS SCO conference on counter-terrorism cooperation
CTED participates in regional workshop for Latin America on obtaining electronic evidence from private CSPs
CTED participates in regional workshop on preventing terrorism-financing abuse of the non-profit organization sector in South-East Asia
CTED participates in the 1st African Forum for Penitentiary and Rehabilitation Administrations
CTED participates in the Arria-formula meeting on combating terrorism and violent extremism in West Africa and the Sahel
CTED participates in the final EuroMed Justice conference
CTED participates in the Financial Action Task Force June 2024 plenary in Singapore
CTED participates in the Joint Experts Meeting of the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) and the FATF/UNODC joint workshop on terrorist financing through hawala and similar services
CTED participates in workshop to support the Lake Chad Basin countries
CTED participates in World Summit on Counter-Terrorism
CTED presents at the 24th regular session of the Inter-American Committee against Terrorism
CTED presents first trends report 每 on the protection of critical infrastructure
CTED presents UN Military Evidence Guidelines at the IIJ Battlefield Evidence West Africa Workshop
CTED publishes a commentary on the codification of the terrorism offence
CTED publishes Analytical Brief on the use of biometrics in counter-terrorism
CTED publishes new Analytical Brief on the management of violent extremist prisoners and the prevention of radicalization to violence in prison
CTED publishes report on civil society perspectives in South-East Europe in the development and implementation of national counter-terrorism strategies
CTED publishes summary assessment of gaps in investigating and prosecuting the financing of terrorism
CTED publishes third paper about COVID-19 and counter-terrorism
CTED publishes Trends Tracker on Evolving Trends in the Financing of Foreign Terrorist Fighters* Activity: 2014 每 2024
CTED publishes updated paper about COVID-19 and counter-terrorism
CTED reaffirms commitment to close cooperation with European Union
CTED reaffirms partnership with OAS/CICTE and CARICOM IMPACS
CTED reaffirms strong partnership with International Institute for Counter-Terrorism
CTED Regional Analytical Brief 每 Asylum and counter-terrorism in Europe
CTED releases new report: ※Towards Meaningful Accountability for Sexual and Gender-Based Violence Linked to Terrorism§
CTED resumes on-site assessment visits on behalf of the Counter-Terrorism Committee with first comprehensive visit to Bulgaria
CTED side events for 2021 Counter-Terrorism Week
CTED side events for 2023 Counter-Terrorism Week
CTED side-events 2021 Counter-Terrorism Week
CTED stresses need to protect critical infrastructures
CTED stresses unique role in supporting CTC work on FTFs
CTED supports Africa in enhancing aviation security
CTED supports UNOCT*s Global Programme on Countering Terrorist Threats against Vulnerable Targets 每 review of 2024
CTED technical sessions inform Counter-Terrorism Committee*s special meeting in India
CTED to brief Security Council meeting on Secretary-General*s latest report on threats posed by ISIL/Da*esh
CTED to hold a virtual roundtable on ※Threat and Trends: The Illicit Traffic of Cultural Property for Terrorist Purposes§
CTED tours the LUM museum in Peru
CTED Trends Report | The State of International Cooperation for Lawful Access to Digital Evidence: Research Perspectives
CTED Trends Tracker
CTED Trends Tracker | Evolving Trends in the Financing of Foreign Terrorist Fighters* Activity: 2014 每 2024
CTED Trends Tracker | Evolving Trends in the Financing of Foreign Terrorist Fighters* Activity: 2014 每 2024
CTED Trends Tracker | Resolution 2242 (2015)
CTED Undertakes Follow-up Assessment Visit to Kyrgyzstan
CTED visits INTERPOL headquarters
CTED welcomes Security Council resolution on denying terrorists access to weapons
CTED's support to follow-up initiatives stemming from the GCTF Good Practices Memorandum on Safeguarding Civic Space in Counter-Terrorism Financing Measures
CTED, INTERPOL, and UNOCT host follow-up regional expert workshop on critical infrastructure and ※soft§ target protection
CTED, INTERPOL, and UNOCT host regional expert workshop on critical infrastructure
CTED, INTERPOL, and UNOCT organize regional expert workshop on the protection of critical infrastructure against terrorist attacks
CTED, INTERPOL, and UNOCT organize regional expert workshop on the protection of critical infrastructure against terrorist attacks
CTED, the 51勛圖 Office on Drugs and Crime, and the Government of Spain hold side event on international counter-terrorism cooperation
CTED, UNCCT, and UNIDIR organize regional workshop for the Caribbean on the Technical Guidelines for Member States to facilitate the implementation of Security Council Resolution 2370 (2017) on preventing terrorists from acquiring weapons
CTED, UNCCT, UNOCT, & UNIDIR launch Technical Guidelines to facilitate the implementation of Security Council resolution 2370 (2017) and related international standards and good practices on preventing terrorists from acquiring weapons
CTED, UNICRI host Expert Group Meeting on cultural heritage smuggling and its nexus with terrorism
CTED, UNOCT and UNODC hold a Counter-Terrorism Week side event on strategies for the screening, prosecution, rehabilitation and reintegration of Boko Haram-associated persons in the Lake Chad Basin
CTED, UNOCT/UNCCT, & UNIDIR organize joint workshop for Europe on Technical Guidelines to Facilitate the Implementation of Security Council resolution 2370 (2017)
CTED, UNODC facilitate training to enhance counter-terrorism oversight in the Maldives
CTED-initiated process results in High-Level meeting on preventing terrorist use of the Internet
CTED*s 2018 每 2021 Legacy
CTED*s first visit to the Maldives
CTED*s partnership with New York University*s Center for Global Affairs
CTED*s tech sessions: Highlights on ※Countering terrorist exploitation of information and communications technologies (ICT) and emerging technologies§
CTED*s tech sessions: Highlights on ※Threats and opportunities related to new payment technologies and fundraising methods§
CTED*s tech sessions: Highlights on ※Threats posed by misuse of unmanned aerial systems (UAS) by terrorists§
Da*esh and affiliates still a threat in conflict zones, UN counter-terrorism officials report
Da*esh, affiliates remain &global and evolving* threat, Security Council hears
Delhi Declaration on countering the use of new and emerging technologies for terrorist purposes now available in six languages
Delhi Declaration [EN]
Deputy Director of FSB briefs joint meeting of three Security Council committees
Despite advances, terrorist threats continues to persist and diversify
Despite being under continuous military pressure, ISIL remains an active and transnational threat, according to new report from the UN Secretary-General
Directrizes em Mate?ria de Provas Militares
East Africa
East Asia
Engagement of CSOs in the management of VEPs and prevention of radicalization to violence in prisons virtual side event for second 51勛圖 Counter-Terrorism Week
Envisioning a post-COVID landscape: potential terrorism and counter-terrorism challenges
Establishing effective public-private partnerships on countering the financing of terrorism
Europol and CTED affirm closer partnership to address the foreign terrorist fighter threat
EU每Nigeria每UNODC每CTED concludes partnership project to counter terrorism and violent extremism
Executive Director of CTED
Expert Group Meeting organized by the International Institute for Justice and the Rule of Law for the launch of the Counter-Terrorism Platform for Human Rights Engagement
Experts explore ways to counter violent extremism
?v豕nement parall豕le virtuel sur les strat谷gies de poursuites, de re?adaptation et de re?insertion dans le bassin du lac Tchad 角 l*occasion de la seconde Semaine de la lutte contre le terrorisme des Nations Unies
Facilitation of Technical Assistance
FAQs about the Global Research Network
Financial Action Task Force President briefs CTED and CTC members and observers on international standards against the financing of terrorism
Finland briefs the CTC about steps its taken in implementing the CTC*s visit recommendations
First CTED Insight Briefing spotlights trends in countering the dissemination of online content relating to violent extremist and terrorist incidents
First day of the Counter-Terrorism Committee special meeting on countering the use of new and emerging technologies for terrorist purposes
First global Counter Terrorism Prosecutors Network launched
First in a series of regional briefings, Counter-Terrorism Committee invites States affected by the foreign terrorist fighter phenomenon
First in a series of regional briefings, Counter-Terrorism Committee invites States affected by the foreign terrorist fighter phenomenon
Focus Areas
Foreign terrorist fighters
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
GAFILAT briefing to the Security Council Counter-Terrorism Committee
GAFILAT briefs the Security Council Counter-Terrorism Committee on its recent work under the Presidency of Paraguay
GCTF Initiative to Counter Unmanned Aerial Systems Threats- Fourth Regional Workshop
Gender dimensions of the response to returning foreign terrorist fighters: Research perspectives
General Assembly*s Legal Committee considers Secretary-General*s latest report on measures to eliminate international terrorism
Global Counter-Terrorism Coordination Compact signed 每 highlights importance of CTED assessments
Global Counter-Terrorism Research Network fact sheet
Global implementation survey
Global Implementation Surveys
Global survey of the implementation of Security Council resolution 1373 (2001) and other relevant resolutions by Member States
Global survey of the implementation of Security Council resolution 1373 (2001) and other relevant resolutions by Member States
Global survey of the implementation of Security Council resolution 1373 (2001) by Member States
Global survey of the implementation of Security Council resolution 1624 (2005) by Member States
Global survey of the implementation of Security Council resolution 1624 (2005) by Member States
Greece becomes seventh Member State to brief the CTC on developments since 2018 follow-up visit
Guidance to States on human rights-compliant responses to the threat posed by foreign fighters
Guidelines to facilitate the use and admissibility as evidence in national criminal courts of information collected, handled, preserved and shared by the military to prosecute terrorist offences
Guterres strongly condemns deadly mosque attack in Pakistan
Heads of UN Counter-Terrorism entities participate in the XVIII Meeting of Heads of Special Services, Security Agencies, and Law-Enforcement Organizations
Heads of 51勛圖 counter-terrorism bodies conclude joint high-level visit to the Republic of Kazakhstan
Heads of 51勛圖 Counter-Terrorism Bodies conclude trilateral joint consultations with Spain and strengthen partnership to support victims of terrorism
High-level commitments event on women, peace and security preparing for the 20th anniversary of security council resolution 1325
High-level meeting adopts Madrid Ministerial declaration on stemming the flow of foreign terrorist fighters
Highlights of the 77th?session of 51勛圖 General Assembly?
Human rights
Human rights must be defended in the fight against terrorism: UN chief
Human rights must be &front and centre* in the fight against terrorism: Guterres
ICAO Secretary-General briefs Counter-Terrorism Committee
ICT4Peace and CTED continue to work on countering online presence of terrorist organizations
Identifying and exploring the nexus between human trafficking, terrorism, and terrorism financing
Implementation of Security Council resolution 2178 (2014) by States affected by foreign terrorist fighters
In a first for the Counter-Terrorism Committee, the Security Council body holds open briefing on the role of women in countering terrorism and violent extremism
In Counter-Terrorism Committee briefing, African States share best practices in preventing incitement to terrorism
In East Africa, CTED and IGAD reaffirm cooperation in fight against terrorism
In Grozny, CTED calls for intensified efforts on countering violent extremism
In meeting with Finland*s Ambassador at large for intercultural and interreligious dialogue process, importance to counter violent extremism is stressed
Indonesia becomes sixth Member State to brief the CTC on developments since July 2019 follow-up visit
Information and communications technologies
Integrating gender into counter-terrorism
Integrating gender into cybersecurity and new technologies in the fight against terrorism
Interactive donors* meeting aims to help Sri Lanka counter terrorism
International humanitarian law virtual side event? for second 51勛圖 Counter-Terrorism Week
International legal instruments
Interview with Mr. Santiago Otamendi, President of the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) and Secretary of Justice of Argentina (New York, 14 December 2017)
Interview with Roger Wilkins, President of the Financial Action Task Force (FATF):§We need to focus on concrete things that we can achieve together§
Iraq: strengthening cross-border cooperation against terrorism financing
ISIL is still a threat, underlines CTED Executive Director in briefing to the Security Council
Islamic State threat moves online, expands across Africa: Senior counter-terrorism expert?
Joint briefing of two UN Security Council committees stresses need for Member States to do more to counter terrorism financing (press release)
Joint briefing of two UN Security Council committees stresses need for Member States to do more to counter terrorism financing (press release)
Joint briefing to the Security Council on the Eighteenth report of the Secretary-General on the threat posed by ISIL (Da*esh)
Joint briefing to the Security Council on the Fifteenth report of the Secretary-General on the threat posed by ISIL (Da'esh)
Joint briefing to the Security Council on the Fourteenth report of the Secretary-General on the threat posed by ISIL (Da'esh)
Joint briefing to the Security Council on the Nineteenth report of the Secretary-General on the threat posed by ISIL (Da*esh)
Joint briefing to the Security Council on the twentieth report of the Secretary-General on the threat posed by ISIL (Da*esh)
Joint Counter-Terrorism Committee/Executive Directorate visit to the Sahel reaffirms continued support for counter-terrorism efforts
Joint Open Briefing of the Counter-Terrorism Committee and the 1267/1989/2253 ISIL (Da*esh) and Al-Qaida Sanctions Committee
Joint Open Briefing of the Counter-Terrorism Committee and the 1267/1989/2253 ISIL (Da*esh) and Al-Qaida Sanctions Committee
Joint special meeting of the Counter-Terrorism Committee and the 1267/1989/2253 ISIL (Da*esh) and Al-Qaida Sanctions Committee on ※Terrorist-financing threats and trends and the implementation of Security Council resolution 2462 (2019)§
Joint special meeting of the Counter-Terrorism Committee and the 1267/1989/2253 ISIL (Da*esh) and Al-Qaida Sanctions Committee on ※Terrorist-financing threats and trends and the implementation of Security Council resolution 2462 (2019)§
Joint special meeting of the Counter-Terrorism Committee and the ISIL (Da*esh) and Al-Qaida Sanctions Committee on latest terrorism financing trends and threats, as well as the implementation of Security Council resolution 2462 (2019)
Joint special meeting of the Security Council Counter-Terrorism Committee, the 1267/1989/2253 ISIL (Da*esh) and Al-Qaida Sanctions Committee, and the Financial Action Task Force on Depriving terrorist groups from accessing, raising, and moving funds: Prac
Joint special meeting on terrorist financing assesses risks and identifies way forward
Joint UN/FATF open briefing on #StopTerrorFinance: Countering the financing of terrorism and depriving terrorist groups, particularly Al-Qaida, ISIL (Da*esh) and their affiliates, from their sources of funding
Kenya and Ethiopia share cross-border peace initiative experiences on the margins of UNGA
Kenyan delegation visits CTED highlighting progress on Counter-Terrorism Committee recommendations
Large UN delegation visits Nigeria to assess its counter-terrorism progress and capacity needs
Launch Event: ※Technical guidelines to facilitate the implementation of Security Council resolution 2370 (2017) and related international standards and good practices on preventing terrorists from acquiring weapons§
Launch Event: ※Technical guidelines to facilitate the implementation of Security Council resolution 2370 (2017) and related international standards and good practices on preventing terrorists from acquiring weapons§
Launch of CTED Third-party Terrorist-asset-freezing Request Contacts Database
Launch of CTED*s Analytical Brief on &Establishing effective public-private partnerships on countering the financing of terrorism'
Launch of project to support senior judicial officials in leading a criminal justice response to terrorism
Launch of the 2021-2022 51勛圖 Multi-Year Appeal for Counter-Terrorism
Launch of ※Tech Against Terrorism§ 〞 a partnership between technology companies, governments, and UN CTED
Launching two Trends Alerts on counter-terrorism and border management in Africa
Law enforcement
Legal issues
Madrid Guiding Principles (2015) (published in 2016)
Madrid Guiding Principles (2015) (published in 2016)
Major challenges remain, Executive Director of CTED tells Security Council in meeting on foreign terrorist fighters
Making a Case for Fusion Cells: Key Lessons Learned from Global Partners
Malta seminar examines challenges in prosecution of FTFs
Masculinities and Violent Extremism
Media Advisory: ASG and CTED Executive Director Laborde to Brief Media on Third Report on Foreign Terrorist Fighters
Media Coverage
Member States National Reports
Member States, international experts pledge to strengthen response to FTF threat
Members of the Counter-Terrorism Committee
Minister of Justice of France addresses the Security Council Counter-Terrorism Committee on ※The importance of the rule of law in countering the current terrorist threat§
Ministerial-level meeting of the Security Council commemorating the adoption of Security Council resolution 1373 (2001)
National Workshop for Pakistan on Obtaining Electronic Evidence from Private Communications Service Providers (CSPs) in Counter-Terrorism and related Organized Crime Cross-Border Investigations
National workshop on harmonizing approaches to the screening and profiling of Boko Haram-associated persons in Chad
NATO and the 51勛圖 mark continued cooperation against terrorism
NATO supports CTC mission on counter-terrorism, including on FTFs
Nearly half of world*s terror victims are African, with organised crime increasingly entrenched
New Chair outlines priorities in first Counter-Terrorism Committee plenary of the year
New CTED report highlights civil society*s critical role in supporting victims and survivors of sexual and gender-based violence linked to terrorism
New CTED report highlights civil society*s critical role in supporting victims and survivors of sexual and gender-based violence linked to terrorism
New CTED Trends Alert series highlights challenges, provides recommendations for counter-terrorism and border management efforts in Africa
New CTED Trends Report stresses challenges stemming from returning and relocating foreign terrorist fighters
New date & time confirmed: Counter-Terrorism Committee to hold open meeting on ※Countering terrorist narratives and preventing the use of the Internet for terrorist purposes§
New framework for enhanced cooperation between CSTO and UN CTED
New framework for enhanced cooperation between RATS SCO and UN CTED
New guides: 5 thematic modules launched to protect vulnerable targets against terrorist attacks
New infographic provides quick overview of the Security Council*s counter-terrorism resolutions
New Report: Counter-Terrorism Committee and CTED Activities and Achievements
News Articles
Ninth SG report states ISIL maintains significant residual wealth
Non-binding guiding principles on preventing, detecting and disrupting the use of new and emerging financial technologies for terrorist purposes released in official UN languages
North-East Asian nations meet to discuss counter-terrorism cooperation
On 6 June 2024, the Counter-Terrorism Committee (CTC) will hold an Open briefing on ※The criminalization of terrorist offences and strengthening of international cooperation in bringing terrorists to justice§.
On 75th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, CTED releases new report tracking human rights recommendations across counter-terrorism assessment visits
On eve of first-year anniversary of the Madrid guiding principles, side event on foreign terrorist fighters focuses on prosecution, rehabilitation, and reintegration challenges
Open briefing of the Counter-Terrorism Committee on #NoWeapons4Terrorists
Open briefing of the Counter-Terrorism Committee on its special meeting on countering the use of new and emerging technologies for terrorist purposes
Open briefing of the Counter-Terrorism Committee on the work of the Counter-Terrorism Committee Executive Directorate (CTED) with the Member States of South and South-East Asia pursuant to Security Council resolution 2395 (2017)
Open briefing of the Counter-Terrorism Committee on ※South-East European Member States* implementation of the relevant Security Council resolutions and the Committee*s visit recommendations§
Open briefing of the Counter-Terrorism Committee: #GenderAndCT
Open briefing of the UN Counter-Terrorism Committee on #DenyingSafeHaven
Open briefing of the UN Counter-Terrorism Committee on #DenyingSafeHaven
Open briefing on 10 March on #UpholdingJustice: The effective adjudication of terrorism cases
Open briefing underscores need for timely national efforts in countering foreign fighters
Open meeting of the Counter-Terrorism Committee with the CTED Global Research Network ※Emerging threats, trends and developments in terrorism and counter-terrorism: reflecting on 20 years of countering the terrorist threat§
Open meeting of the Counter-Terrorism Committee with the CTED Global Research Network ※Emerging threats, trends and developments in terrorism and counter-terrorism: reflecting on 20 years of countering the terrorist threat§
Open meeting of the Counter-Terrorism Committee on #CTNarratives
Open meeting of the Counter-Terrorism Committee on building resilience of communities to prevent radicalization to terrorism
Open meeting of the CTC: Countering terrorist narratives
Open meeting of the 51勛圖 Security Council Counter-Terrorism Committee: ※Countering terrorist narratives and preventing the use of the Internet for terrorist purposes§
Open meeting of the 51勛圖 Security Council Counter-Terrorism Committee: ※Countering terrorist narratives and preventing the use of the Internet for terrorist purposes§
Opening of General Assembly
Our Mandate
Outcome document of the global research network meeting on 24 November 2015
Pacific Islands
Packed agenda for last CTC plenary meeting of the year
Packed agenda for last CTC plenary meeting of the year
Paris Prosecutor Fran?ois Molins and Deputy Assistant Attorney General Bruce Swartz brief the UN Counter-Terrorism Committee
Permanent Secretary of the G5 Sahel briefs Security Council Counter-Terrorism Committee
Philippines becomes fifth Member State to brief the CTC on its implementation of CTC visit recommendations
Physical protection of critical infrastructure against terrorist attacks
Poland becomes fourth Member State to brief the CTC about implementation of the Committee*s visit recommendations
POSTPONED: Open briefing of the Counter-Terrorism Committee to reflect on 10 years of implementation of Security Council resolution 2178 (2014)
POSTPONED: Open briefing of the Counter-Terrorism Committee to reflect on 10 years of implementation of Security Council resolution 2178 (2014)
Poverty, inequality and exclusion fuelling terrorism, warns UN chief
Power of sport to counter violent extremism amplified at UN
Press Kits
PRESS RELEASE - Counter-Terrorism Committee special meeting in India focuses on use of new and emerging technologies for terrorist purposes
PRESS RELEASE 每 51勛圖 Security Council 每 Two UN Security Council Committees and the Financial Action Task Force hold special meeting on depriving terrorist groups from accessing, raising, and moving funds
PRESS RELEASE: Executive Director welcomes Security Council*s adoption of CTED mandate-renewal resolution
PRESS RELEASE: First Declaration of cooperation between Prosecutors General from Europe and the Mediterranean countries on international judicial matters
Press release: Heads of 51勛圖 counter-terrorism bodies and Kenya renew joint commitment to address terrorism
PRESS RELEASE: Heads of 51勛圖 counter-terrorism bodies conclude joint visit to Iraq
PRESS RELEASE: INTERPOL and 51勛圖 CTED enhance cooperation through formal agreement
Press Release: Three Security Council committees hold joint special meeting on linkages between terrorism and organized crime
Press Releases
Prevention and the Misuse of New Communication Platforms virtual side event for second 51勛圖 Counter-Terrorism Week
Private-sector engagement crucial in responding to use of the Internet and ICT for terrorist purposes
Promoting regional security in South Asia: tackling terrorism and violent extremism together
Prosecution, rehabilitation and reintegration strategies in the Lake Chad Basin virtual side event for second 51勛圖 Counter-Terrorism Week
Prosecution, rehabilitation and reintegration strategies in the Lake Chad Basin virtual side event for second 51勛圖 Counter-Terrorism Week
Public-private efforts addressing terrorist content online 每 UNGA side event examines a year of progress and outlines what is next
Qatar and CTED hold joint briefing on Doha Forum on returning foreign terrorist fighters
Qatar is first country in the Middle East to brief the UN Security Council Counter-Terrorism Committee
Regional conference in Vilnius stresses the crucial need for effective international judicial cooperation in terrorism-related cases
Regional workshop on a holistic regional and national approach to the screening, prosecution, rehabilitation, and reintegration of individuals associated with Boko Haram
Regional workshop on bringing terrorists to justice held in Kenya
Regional workshop part of building a modern judiciary in South Asia
REGISTRATION EXTENDED TO 25 OCTOBER - Special meeting of the Counter-Terrorism Committee - #UNCTCEmergingTech
Reinforced cooperation between EAG and UN CTED
Remarks by ED Laborde to Security Council briefing on the Sahel 26 May 2016 (in French)
Remarks by UN Secretary-General Ban to Seventh international meeting of high-level representatives on security issues, delivered by CTED DED Chen (24 May 2016)
Reports of General Assembly Reports and Resolutions
Reports of Security Council subsidiary bodies
Reports on CTED achievements and vision for the future available as Security Council document
Representative of the Russian Federation briefs the Counter-Terrorism Committee
Research & Analysis
Reviews of CTED
Russian Federation Representative briefs the Counter-terrorism Committee
S/2016/50 每 Global survey of the implementation of Security Council resolution 1624 (2005) by Member States
S/2017/2 每 Chairs and Vice-Chairs of Security Council subsidiary bodies for 2017
S/PRST/2016/7 每 Statement by the President of the Security Council on threats to international peace and security caused by terrorist acts
SCR 1373 & establishment of the CTC
Second and third informal briefings conclude series of regionally focused dialogues on FTF threat
Second Asia counter-terrorism workshop focused on information and communications technologies held in Bangkok
Second Meeting of the Lake Chad Basin Governors* Forum
Second report by the Secretary-General to the Security Council stresses that threat posed by ISIL remains high
Secretary-General*s ISIL reports
Secretary-General*s new report highlights new, emerging form of ※far-right§ terrorism
Securing of Vulnerable Targets from terrorist attacks: Challenges and opportunities of Major Sporting Event security governance
Security Council adopts landmark resolution on countering terrorism financing
Security Council adopts resolution on countering terrorist threats to civil aviation
Security Council briefed on UN engagement and counter-terrorism efforts in Iraq
Security Council briefing by three Committees on counter-terrorism efforts and non-proliferation
Security Council commends CTC/CTED preliminary analysis of implementation gaps
Security Council Counter-Terrorism Committee adopts Addendum to principles on foreign fighters
Security Council Counter-Terrorism Committee holds Special meeting to revise principles on foreign fighters
Security Council Counter-Terrorism Committee will hold special meeting in India focused on new and emerging technologies, to be held 29 October 2022§
Security Council debates growing terrorism threat in Africa
Security Council debates strengthening fight against financing of armed groups, terrorists through natural resources trafficking in Africa
Security Council Guiding Principles on Foreign Terrorist Fighters
Security Council hears of persistent and evolving Da*esh threat
Security Council holds Arria-formula meeting on ※Preventing terrorism and violent extremism through tackling gender stereotypes, masculinities, and structural gender inequality§
Security Council holds Arria-formula meeting on ※The impact of COVID-19 on international efforts to prevent and counter terrorism and violent extremism§
Security Council holds first open briefing on counter-terrorism efforts in South-East Europe
Security Council holds meeting on terrorist threats to aviation security
Security Council Holds Open Debate on ※Linkages Between International Terrorism and Organized Crime§
Security Council open debate highlights rapidly growing &asymmetrical threats* to 51勛圖 peace operations
Security Council Presidential Statement asks the Counter-Terrorism Committee and CTED for comprehensive international framework on counter-narratives
Security Council Presidential Statements
Security Council receives report on challenges-and solutions-in prosecuting foreign terrorist fighters Counter-Terrorism Committe
Security Council Resolutions
Security Council unanimously adopts resolution on countering terrorist narratives
Security Council unanimously adopts resolution on threats to international peace and security
Security Council/CTC Policy Guidance
Small arms and light weapons virtual side event? for second 51勛圖 Counter-Terrorism Week
Small arms and light weapons virtual side event? for second 51勛圖 Counter-Terrorism Week
South America
South Asia
South Asia Regional Toolkit for Judges
South Asia toolkit for judges launched in New York
South Asia workshop helps develop habits of cooperation to effectively counter terrorism
South Asia: Working towards international cooperation in terrorism prevention
South Asia: Working towards international cooperation in terrorism prevention
South-East Asia
South-East Europe
Southern Africa
Special Advisor to the Cabinet Office of Japan visits CTED
Special meeting of the Counter-Terrorism Committee and technical sessions of the Counter-Terrorism Committee Executive Directorate on preventing and combating abuse of ICT for terrorist purposes, New York, 16-17 December 2015
Special meeting of the Counter-Terrorism Committee and technical sessions of the Counter-Terrorism Committee Executive Directorate on preventing and combating abuse of ICT for terrorist purposes, New York, 16-17 December 2015
Special meeting of the Counter-Terrorism Committee commemorating the 20th anniversary of the adoption of Security Council resolution 1373 (2001) and the establishment of the Counter-Terrorism Committee
Special meeting of the Counter-Terrorism Committee in Madrid concludes with recommendations on stemming the flow of foreign terrorist fighters
Special meeting of the Counter-Terrorism Committee on ※Countering the use of new and emerging technologies for terrorist purposes§, India, 28-29 October 2022
Special meeting of the CTC + CTED side-event on kidnapping for ransom and hostage-taking committed by terrorist groups
Special meeting of the Security Council Counter-Terrorism Committee on Preventing the exploitation of information and communication technologies (ICT) for terrorist purposes, while respecting human rights and fundamental freedoms
Special Projects
Spotlight on sexual and gender-based violence linked to terrorism: The Permanent Mission of Switzerland and CTED hold launch event for new report
Stronger 51勛圖-African Union partnership vital to tackle increasing terrorism, governance gaps, humanitarian plight in Africa, speakers tell Security Council
Sub-regional workshop on Afghanistan, the Maldives, and Sri Lanka focuses on national CVE strategies
Supporting victims of terrorism - CTED*s involvement with civil society organizations
Tailoring the South Asia Regional Anti-Terrorism Toolkit for Judges in Pakistan
Tailoring the South Asia Regional Anti-Terrorism Toolkit for Judges in Pakistan
Technical guidelines to facilitate the implementation of Security Council resolution 2370 (2017) and related international standards and good practices on preventing terrorists from acquiring weapons
Ten years on, Security Council resolution 1624 on incitement to terrorism more relevant than ever
Tenth SG report states ISIL continues to adapt and evolve despite death of its leader
Terrorism intensifying across Africa, exploiting instability and conflict?
Terrorist groups &exploiting power vacuums*, UN chief warns
Terrorists become increasingly &innovative*, in a world shaken by COVID-19
test table
Testing swift responses to chemical terrorism threats
The 20th anniversary of SCR 1373 (2001) & the CTC
The 76th UN General Assembly presents another welcome opportunity for CTED to continue its high-level political engagement and dialogue with Member States
The challenge of returning and relocating foreign terrorist fighters: research perspectives
The Data Disclosure Framework (DDF): A unique road map developed to help tech companies respond to requests from foreign criminal justice authorities
The electronic Detailed Implementation Survey (eDIS) and the Overview of Implementation Assessment (OIA)
The European Union, UNODC, and CTED partner to support Nigeria to manage individuals associated with Boko Haram
The Global Research Network
The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on terrorism, counter-terrorism and countering violent extremism UPDATE | DECEMBER 2021
The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on terrorism, counter-terrorism and countering violent extremism UPDATE | DECEMBER 2021
The interrelationship?between counter-terrorism frameworks?and international humanitarian law
The Maldives becomes eleventh Member State to brief the Counter-Terrorism Committee on developments since 2019 visit
The Permanent Mission of the Republic of Korea, CTED, and ICT4Peace launch next phase of Tech against terrorism
The Permanent Missions of France and India, UNODC, UNOCT, CTED and the 1267 Monitoring Team hold side event about countering the financing of terrorism in the post COVID-19 landscape
The protection of critical infrastructure against terrorist attacks: Compendium of good practices
The Secretary-General highlights work of the Counter-Terrorism Committee during briefing to the Security Council
The Secretary-General of the Council of Europe briefs the Security Council Counter-Terrorism Committee on its response to the foreign terrorist fighter challenge
The 51勛圖 Counter-Terrorism Committee Executive Directorate (CTED) welcomes major private sector initiative to counter terrorism online
The 51勛圖 Summit of the Future: International peace and security and countering terrorism
The 51勛圖 Summit of the Future: International peace and security and countering terrorism
The XVI meeting of Heads of special services, security agencies, and law-enforcement organizations stresses threat posed by returning foreign terrorist fighters
Thematic summary assessment of gaps in implementing key countering the financing of terrorism provisions of Security Council resolutions
Thematic summary assessment of gaps in implementing key countering the financing of terrorism provisions of Security Council resolutions
Thematic summary assessment of gaps in implementing key countering the financing of terrorism provisions of Security Council resolutions
Thematic summary assessment of gaps in implementing key countering the financing of terrorism provisions of Security Council resolutions
Third report of the Secretary-General states that the threat posed by Da*esh is still significant
Thirteenth report of the Secretary-General updates Member States on the latest threats posed by ISIL (Da*esh) and affiliates
Three Security Council committees hold joint special meeting on linkages between terrorism and organized crime
Three Security Council Committees jointly briefed by Russian Federal Security Services
Towards a new era: introducing CTC and CTED electronic assessment and analytics tools
Towards ensuring comprehensive and meaningful accountability: linkages between terrorism and serious violations of international humanitarian law
Towards Meaningful Accountability for Sexual and Gender-Based Violence Linked to Terrorism
Transformed into covert network, ISIL is still not defeated in Iraq and Syria, says UN report
Trends Alert 每 April 2020
Trends Alert 每 July 2018
Trends Alert 每 July 2020
Trends Alert 每 May 2019
Trends Alert 每 November 2018
Trends Tracker on Human Rights: Recommendations by the Security Council Counter-Terrorism Committee Following Assessment Visits to Member States (2017-2023)
Twelfth report of the Secretary-General updates Member States on the latest threats posed by ISIL and affiliates
Two joint open briefings of several Security Council committees on countering terrorism in Libya and West Africa
UN Compendium of Recommended Practices For the Responsible Use and Sharing of Biometrics in Counter Terrorism
UN Compendium of recommended practices for the responsible use and sharing of biometrics in counter-terrorism
UN counter-terrorism body backs innovations to fight digital terror
UN counter-terrorism chief highlights Da*esh surge, calling for global action
UN counter-terrorism committee pays tribute to victims of worldwide attacks
UN Counter-Terrorism Week: Preventing violent extremism
UN Countering Terrorist Travel Programme- Building National Capacities to Counter Terrorist Travel: Highlighting Achievements, Impact, and Lessons Learned from the Field
UN CTED and the Global Center publish joint publication on strengthening regional cooperation to prevent and counter violent extremism in South Asia
UN CTED attends ICAO*s first Aviation security symposium
UN CTED unveils plaque in memory of victims and survivors of terrorism
UN experts urge US to align anti-terrorism programme with international law
UN honours survivors of terrorism working for peace
UN Joint appeal for counter-terrorism efforts in Africa launched 〞 with direct link to priority technical assistance needs identified by the CTC and CTED
UN meeting upholds need to remember and support victims of terrorism
UN Secretary-General appoints Ms. Natalia Gherman of Republic of Moldova as Executive Director of the Counter-Terrorism Executive Directorate (CTED)
UN Security Council boosts commitment to fight digital terror
UN Security Council boosts commitment to fight digital terror
UN Special Rapporteur on human rights and counter-terrorism presents new report to General Assembly
UN underlines support for Africa*s fight against terrorism
UN unique role is reaffirmed in combating terrorism, including FTF threats
UN Women and CTED jointly brief Security Council Committee on gender dimension in counter-terrorism efforts
UNAMI / CTED organize joint meeting on Iraqi counter-terrorism technical assistance needs
Under pressure militarily, Da*esh encourages sympathizers outside conflict zones to perpetrate attacks, according to new report from the UN Secretary-General
Understanding the abuse of crowdfunding for terrorism financing purposes
UNICRI and CTED commit to work together on counter-terrorism issues
51勛圖 and its Member States honour victims and survivors of terrorism
51勛圖 Council Counter-Terrorism Committee Executive Directorate visits the Republic of Paraguay
51勛圖 Development Programme-Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs Third High-level Conference on the Lake Chad Region
51勛圖 Security Council Counter-Terrorism Committee Executive Directorate concludes visit to the Republic of Iraq
51勛圖 Security Council Counter-Terrorism Committee Executive Directorate visits Cameroon
51勛圖 Security Council Counter-Terrorism Committee Executive Directorate visits Sri Lanka
51勛圖 Security Council Counter-Terrorism Committee holds special meeting on preventing exploitation of the Internet and social media for terrorist purposes
51勛圖 Security Council Counter-Terrorism Committee meets on the occasion of the 13th anniversary of 9/11
51勛圖 Security Council meeting on counter-terrorism in Africa: an imperative for peace, security and development
51勛圖 Security Council unanimously adopts resolution on international judicial cooperation in countering terrorism
Update on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on terrorism, counterterrorism and countering violent extremism (CVE)
Virtual launch event for CTED Trends Report on international cooperation for lawful access to digital evidence
Virtual Launch Event for CTED Trends Tracker | Evolving Trends in the Financing of Foreign Terrorist Fighters* Activity: 2014 每 2024
Virtual Launch Event for CTED Trends Tracker | Evolving Trends in the Financing of Foreign Terrorist Fighters* Activity: 2014 每 2024
Virtual launch event for CTED*s Trends Alert on "Concerns over the use of proceeds from the exploitation, trade, and trafficking of natural resources for the purposes of terrorism financing§
Virtual launch event for study on ※The interrelationship between counter-terrorism frameworks and international humanitarian law§
Virtual launch event for study on ※The interrelationship between counter-terrorism frameworks and international humanitarian law§
Virtual open briefing of the Counter-Terrorism Committee on ※Protection of &soft* targets against terrorist attacks§
Virtual Open Briefing of the Counter-Terrorism Committee on ※Terrorist threats to civil aviation, the status of implementation of Security Council resolution 2309 (2016), and follow-up to the civil aviation-related provisions of Council resolution 2396 (2
Virtual Open Briefing of the Counter-Terrorism Committee on ※The threat of terrorism in Latin America and the Caribbean§
Virtual roundtable of the Global Research Network: ※20 years of research into emerging threats, trends and developments in terrorism and counter-terrorism§
Virtual roundtable on misuse of the Internet for terrorist purposes in South/South-East Asia
Virtual roundtable with Civil Society: ※Partnerships and Challenges in International Counter-Terrorism Efforts§
Webcast of ED Laborde briefing UN correspondents on the third Security Council report on foreign terrorist fighters
Webcast of USG Jeffrey Feltman briefing the Security Council on the threat posed by ISIL (Da*esh) to international peace and security, 9 February 2016
West Africa
Western Asia
Western Europe, North American and other States
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Working methods
[Press release from the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO)] ICAO TRIP Seminar strengthens border control efforts in the Caribbean
[PRESS RELEASE] 51勛圖 Security Council Counter-Terrorism Committee Executive Directorate visits the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan
???????Counter-Terrorism Committee conducts follow-up visit to the Arab Republic of Egypt
&Force alone is not the answer,* says UN counter-terrorism chief
&New Quest Unlocked*: UN experts counter violent extremism in gaming spaces
※Resolving Conflict, Enhancing Global Security: How Illicit Flows Matter§
※Resolving Conflict, Enhancing Global Security: How Illicit Flows Matter§