On 4 June 2015, the Chair of the Security Council Counter-Terrorism Committee, H.E. Ambassador Raimonda Murmokait¨¦, convened a meeting together with its Executive Directorate within the framework of the Committee¡¯s dialogue with Member States of the Central Asian region on their implementation of Security Council resolutions 1373 (2001), 1624 (2005), and 2178 (2014). Representatives of Angola and the Russian Federation in their capacity as Chairs of the Sub-Committees to which the Central Asian countries belong also attended, as did CTED Executive Director Jean-Paul Laborde and experts, and representatives of the Counter-Terrorism Implementation Task Force (CTITF) and the Department of Political Affairs (DPA).
xecutive Director Jean-Paul Laborde and experts, and representatives of the Counter-Terrorism Implementation Task Force (CTITF) and the Department of Political Affairs (DPA).
Active interaction between the participants.
The participants discussed the format and the status of the current dialogue with the region. The representatives of the Permanent Missions of the five Central Asian countries briefed the participants on the main challenges they are facing in countering terrorism and violent extremism, including the foreign fighter phenomenon, terrorist recruitment, religious extremism, and possible spill-over of the terrorist threat from Afghanistan. They also shared their needs for technical assistance, exchange of information and good practices, as well as enhanced international and regional cooperation. The participants reaffirmed their intention to continue working in close cooperation to enhance the region¡¯s capacities to counter terrorism.
Later the same day, the Chair briefed the Committee at its plenary meeting about the main outcomes of the meeting and recommendations for the Committee on how best to work with the region to address its current needs.