On 30 and 31 January 2018, CTED and INTERPOL held a two-day training session at INTERPOL Headquarters in Lyon (30-31 January) to familiarize INTERPOL experts with the provisions of the relevant Security Council resolutions on terrorism 〞 especially their provisions on police cooperation. The training session also served to raise participants* awareness of the purpose, objectives, and expected outcomes of the Committee*s assessment visits, as well as the nature of the Committee*s follow-up activities.
The training session was supported by an assessment-visit guidance manual, prepared by CTED, which addresses law enforcement and border-management issues in the context of the relevant Council resolutions on terrorism. INTERPOL plays a key role in the implementation of those resolutions, acting in close coordination with CTED.
Within the framework of the training session, CTED and INTERPOL also held consultations on forthcoming activities of mutual interest.
CTED and INTERPOL have established a close partnership in a number of key areas. INTERPOL experts regularly participate in the assessment visits, special meetings, and open briefings of the Security Council Counter-Terrorism Committee. CTED actively promotes INTERPOL tools and encourages Member States to ensure connectivity to, and use of, the INTERPOL I-24/7 global police communications system, not only by National Central Bureaus, but also at frontline locations such as airports, border points, and immigration and customs offices.
In July 2017, CTED and INTERPOL signed a cooperation arrangement that provides a solid basis for future joint activities. Pursuant to the agreement, the two entities will identify concrete, shared objectives with a view to leveraging expertise, optimizing resources, reducing duplication of effort, fostering synergies, and maximizing the value of deliverables to Member States. The arrangement will also enable the two entities to address the technical assistance needs of priority States and regions in a more coordinated manner. Technical assistance is facilitated by CTED and delivered by INTERPOL.