CTED*s Senior Human Rights Officer Edward J. Flynn presents on human rights issues and areas addressed in CTC/CTED assessment missions at the CT每Phare/IIJ/EU Expert Group Meeting in Valetta, Malta from 21 每 22 March 2023.
The Counter-Terrorism Committee Executive Directorate (CTED) participated in an expert group meeting organized by the International Institute for Justice and the Rule of Law (IIJ), with the support of the European Commission*s Service for Foreign Policy Instruments (FPI), in Valletta, Malta on 21 and 22 March 2023. The meeting brought together human rights experts, legal practitioners, academic experts, and representatives of international and regional organizations to consider priority areas for technical assistance to be provided by the new Counter-Terrorism Platform for Human Rights Engagement (CT 每 PHARE). CTED was represented by its Senior Human Rights Officer.
The main objective of the CT 每 PHARE initiative is to develop technical assistance projects to be implemented by IIJ to support States in strengthening the human rights aspects of their counter-terrorism laws and policies. In this respect, there is clearly strong synergy between the project and CTED*s recommendations for technical assistance emanating from its assessment visits conducted on behalf of the Committee. CTED will continue its dialogue and cooperation with IIJ to ensure that the resources of the CT 每 PHARE initiative can be directly applied to the human rights-related recommendations contained in the Committee*s visit reports.