
The Launch of Lesotho Academy of Science and Technology

Date & Time

Monday, 15 March 2021 - 10:15am

The UN Technology Bank works to support the establishment and strengthening of Academies of Science capacities in the Least Developed Countries (LDCs) to play a critical role in advising governments on STI policy development and implementation to address socio-economic challenges and promote development.

In March 2021, the UN Technology Bank and The Network of African Science Academies teamed up to support the launch of the Lesotho Academy of Science and Technology.



Since 2019, the Technology Bank has conducted five regional consultations, four in Africa and one in Asia, that brought together all LDCs and setting a path for informing the work programme. In the past years, UN Technology Bank has partnered with the Network of African Academies (NASAC) to support existing academies and establish ones where they do not exist. In 2020, UN Technology Bank supported Angola (launched in Dec 2020). In 2021, Lesotho, Malawi, DRC, and Chad will launch their academies in the first quarter of 2021. Cambodia, Liberia, Niger, Sierra Leone, and the Solomon Islands will also be supported in 2021.



Live interventions by distinguished speakers from the government of Lesotho, the Network of African Science Academies, South African Academy of Science and Southern Africa Development Community.

  • Rt. Hon. Dr. Moeketsi Majoro, Prime Minister of Lesotho
  • Hon. Ntlhoi Motsamai, Minister of Education and Training, Lesotho
  • Mr. Joshua Setipa, Managing Director, UN Technology Bank for the LDCs
  • Prof. Norbert Hounkonnou, President of Network of African Academies
  • Prof. Himla Soodyall, Executive Officer of Academy of Science of South Africa (ASSAf)
  • Ms. Anneline Morgan, Senior SADC Programme Manager



The session will be hosted virtually. 

Please join us via Zoom at: 

Materials & More Info


  • Draft Programme (EN)
  • Flyer (EN)
  • Media Alert (EN)
