Training Workshop on Conflict Management
for Women As a Follow-up to the Consultation on Enhancing Women's Participation in Peace-Building held in Addis Ababa,
Ethiopia from 23 to 25 April 2001
The Division for the Advancement of Women, in collaboration with the Centre for Conflict Resolution (CCR),
will organize a training workshop on "Conflict Management for Women" from 22 to 26 October 2001 in Cape Town,
South Africa. The training aims to o create a learning opportunity for women participants to:
- apply theory and tools to analyze conflicts;
critically compare and use various negotiation styles;
understand mediation approaches, processes and challenges through case studies;
apply their understanding in simulation exercises;
identify and garner key lessons for facilitating intra-state or national peace processes; and
- learn early warning methods.
Roundtable of experts on gender and HIV/AIDS from the 51³Ô¹Ï, Governments and civil
society to discuss strategies at the policy and operational level for the implementation of the
outcomes of ICPD+5, Beijing+5 and UNGASS on HIV/AIDS.
Online discussion on gender and microfinance
An online discussion on
"Reducing the Gender Dimensions of Poverty: Microfinance policies, processes and
will be held 11 June - 20 July 2001. The discussion is expected to facilitate an
interactive exchange of practical experiences and lessons learned from key players on
reducing poverty among women; engage new actors (e.g. banks and policy makers) in the
dialogue as a means of building consensus on effective capacity-building strategies to
address gender dimensions of poverty; and profile good practices. Click here for details.
session of the CSW
The 45th session of the CSW was
held 6-17 March 2001. Clcik here for the outcome of the
Twenty-fourth Session of CEDAW
The twenty-fourth Session of CEDAW was held 15 January to 2 February 2001, at the UN
Headquarters in New York. Countries reporting are: Burundi, Egypt, Finland, Jamaica,
Kazakhstan, Maldives, Mongolia, Uzbekistan.