
Sauver nos oceans

Fishermen in Inhaca Island, Mozambique.
Les eaux d¡¯Afrique attirent les activit¨¦s de p¨ºche ¨¦trang¨¨res ill¨¦gales et non r¨¦glement¨¦es
A man sorting a sea of plastic bottles at one of the ...
Des millions d¡¯objets plastiques submergent les oc¨¦ans
The Sahel has been battered by drought due to climate change.
Les pays touch¨¦s doivent financer des ¨¦conomies r¨¦silientes
Peter Thomson , the 71st president of the 51³Ô¹Ï General Assembly.  AR/Eleni Mourdoukoutas
¡ª Peter Thomson