
Outreach workers in Syria are worried about the vulnerability of women and girls under curfew. ? UNFPA Syria

Support Organizations

This list of resources is not exhaustive and is meant to give you a better understanding of the resources available.


You can contact your Organization¡¯s Counsellors, Ombudsman¡¯s Office, or Gender Focal Points. You can also reach out to your Critical Incident Stress Management Unit Regional Officer.

Outside HQ, contact CISMU at undsscismu@un.org

Based on your location, you may also contact the following DSS CISMU Stress Counsellors:

Africa West: Djeneba Coulibaly: +1 212 963 3682 email: coulibaly45@un.org

Africa East: Muhammad Sohail Ali:1 917 367 8557 email: ali173@un.org

Europe and Americas: Anne-Marie Serrano: +1 212 9631369  email: anne-marie.serranobanquet@un.org

Asia-Pacific: Madhubhashini Hewage: +1 212 963 6432, email: hewagem@un.org

MENA: Abdalla Mansour Amer: +1 917 367 6097, email:  mansouramer@un.org 


International Directory of Domestic Violence Agencies:  


United States  (The information is US specific but resources useful to all.)

Guides for UN Personnel

Guidance for Victims/Survivors of Domestic Abuse 

United to Support: How to respond to Domestic Abuse: A guide for UN Personnel  


New York area