SDG Investing (SDGI)
The Financing for Development Office and the Division for Sustainable Development, in collaboration with a wide range of business sector representatives, have initiated a workstream on “SDG-Investing (SDGI)”. The workstream seeks to better understand business sector perspectives on potential impediments and barriers to private investment in the SDGs and explore mechanisms to overcome them. A key objective of the workstream is to contribute to common understanding among investors of how to meaningfully and effectively measure, manage and report on the impact of investments on the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals. The outcome of the workstream will be presented to both the ECOSOC Forum on Financing for Development follow-up (New York, 22-25 May 2017) and the High-Level Political Forum (New York, 10 -19 July 2017). The workstream is informed by an informal background paper entitled “SDGI- Pathways to a new Normal in Capital Marketsâ€, which represents an initial attempt to capture the wide range of private sector perspectives on SDG Investing. As a a first step an expert group meeting on SDGI was held on 17 April 2017.