
AHEG on Finance 2003

Ad Hoc Expert Groups Finance and Transfer of Environmentally Sound Technologies 15-19 December 2003

Report of the Ad Hoc Expert Group on Finance and Transfer of Environmentally Sound Technologies (E/CN.18/2004/5)
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Official Documents

Provisional Agenda and Annotations
15 – 19 December, Geneva Switzerland
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Note by the Secretariat on Financing for sustainable forest management: current challenges in the changed financial environment. UNFF document E/CN.18/AC.2/2003/2
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Note by the Secretariat on Transfer of Environmentally Sound Technologies (TESTs) for Sustainable Forest Management: An Overview E/CN.18/AC.2/2003/3
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Background Documents

Report of the Secretary-General on Implementation of and follow-up to commitments and agreements made at the International Conference on Financing for Development (A/58/216)
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Transfer of Environmentally Sound Technologies for the Sustainable Management of Mangrove Forests: An Overview, Background Document for the Ad Hoc Expert Group on Finance
And Transfer of Environmentally Sound Technologies, Prepared by COCATRAM, Managua, March 2003

Transfer of Environmentally Sound Technologies from Developed Countries to Developing Countries, Background Document for an Expert Workshop on Transfer of Sustainable Forest Management Technologies, prepared by INDUFOR, Helsinki November 24, 2003