
AHEG on Parameters 2004

Ad Hoc Expert Groups Consideration with a view to Recommending the Parameters of a Mandate for Developing a Legal Framework on all Types of Forests Ad hoc expert group meeting, New York, 7 – 10 September 2004

Report of the Ad Hoc Expert Group the Consideration with a view of Recommending the Parameters of a Mandate for Developing a Legal Framework on all Types of Forests (E/CN.18/2005/2)
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Official Documents

Provisional Agenda
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Note by the Secretariat on the Consideration with a View to Recommending the Parameters of a Mandate for Developing a Legal Framework on all Types of Forests
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Note by Secretariat on the Overview on Catalysts and Obstacles in the Implementation of the IPF/IFF Proposals for Action and UNFF Resolutions and Decisions
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Background Documents

Background Document #1: Compilation of views submitted by member States and information provided by members of the Collaborative Partnership on Forests (2004)

Background Document #2: Recent Developments in Existing Forest-Related Instruments, Agreements, and Processes (2004)

Background Document #3: An Overview of International Law (2004)


Report of the Secretary General: International Organizations, and Multilateral Institutions and Instruments, including appropriate legal mechanisms (E/CN.17/IPF/1996/12)
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Report of the Secretary General: International Organizations and Multilateral Institutions and Instruments, including appropriate legal mechanisms (E/CN.17/IPF/1996/23)
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Report of the Secretary General: International Organizations and Multilateral Institutions and Instruments, including appropriate legal mechanisms (E/CN.17/IPF/1996/24)
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Report of the Secretary-General: International Organizations, Multilateral Institutions and Instruments, including appropriate legal mechanisms (E/CN.17/IPF/1997/4)
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Report of the Secretary-General: Forest-Related Work of International and Regional Organizations Commission (E/CN.17/IFF/1998/5)
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Note by the Secretariat: International Arrangements and Mechanisms to Promote the Management, Conservation and Sustainable Development of All Types of Forests (E/CN.17/IFF/1998/9)
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Report of the Secretary-General: Forest-Related Work Under Existing Instruments (E/CN.17/IFF/1998/11)
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Background Document 4 – Information on Forest-Related Work of International and Regional Organizations (1998)

Background Document 5 – Information on Forest-Related Work Under Existing Instruments (1998)

Note by the Secretariat: Forest-Related Work of International and Regional Organizations and under Existing Instruments(E/CN.17/IFF/1999/15)
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Note by the Secretariat: Forest-Related Work of International and Regional Organizations and under Existing Instruments (E/CN.17/IFF/2000/6)
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