
Partnerships for sustainable industrialization in Africa: lessons from the operationalization of the AfCFTA in LDCs (EIF, ODI)

15 September 2023. 

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Increased industrialization as a tool for economic diversification and the building of productive capacities if left unchecked could result in negative environmental impacts. The AfCFTA presents significant promise for Africa's development. In the context of rapidly advancing environmental degradation and climate change, the AfCFTA must also serve as a lever for sustainable growth on the continent in line with Africa's agenda 2063. Achieving sustainable development in Africa will entail quickening the pace of industrialisation in a way that is environmentally sustainable. This will require a green industrialisation that includes key components to reduce environmental footprints. In this session, partner perspectives will be shared on the implementation of the AfCFTA particularly efforts towards the use of the AfCFTA as an instrument for advancing green growth within the free trade area. In addition, the role of trade related technical assistance particularly national implementation arrangements in advancing green industrialisation will be explored.