

LDC Future Forum 2025

1-3 April 2025, Lusaka, Zambia.

"The primary objective of the Third LDC Future Forum is to convene policy-makers, researchers, the private sector, and other stakeholders to share concrete innovative solutions and practical policy recommendations aimed at enhancing the resilience of LDCs. This will contribute towards enabling LDCs to manage and adapt to both current and future systemic shocks. Emphasizing gender equality and the participation of women and girls in these discussions will be key to developing holistic and inclusive solutions."


HLPF 2023: LDCs' Access to Finance, Missing Links and Ways Forward (UN-OHRLLS, Canada, Nepal, Lesotho)

19 July 2023. Despite the trend towards more financing through multilateral platforms, Least Developed Countries (LDCs) still face myriad challenges to accessing sufficient resources to achieve their sustainable development and climate objectives. With support from Canada, UN OHRLLS conducted a study in late 2022/early 2023 that directly engaged with LDC finance and planning ministries to better understand and synthesize their experience in accessing traditional loans and grants, as well as climate finance, to advance national projects and programs.


LDCs National Focal Points Meeting 2023

11-12 July 2023. The 2023 NFP meeting will aim to take stock of mainstreaming of the DPoA so far, identify challenges as well as additional support needed by building on the lessons from the 2022 meeting and the LDC5 Conference. It will also present concrete tools for monitoring and mainstreaming developed by the regional commissions and other UN agencies and discuss how these can be improved. More information here
