
UN plane

UN Photo/Pierre Galinier

Services for the Organization

When you come to discuss a workplace concern with an ombudsman or a mediator, we will seek to empower you to address the issue. In addition, the concerns you raise may contribute to our identification of systemic issues and organizational trends that we then bring to the attention of the Organization. The Office maintains full confidentiality when reporting systemic issues or providing upward feedback, meaning that it is not possible to identify specific colleagues or situations.


The regular, ongoing interaction between the Office and stakeholders enables it to identify, analyse and report on systemic issues occurring or emerging in the Organization. Many conflicts can be traced to systemic issues such as gaps or inconsistencies in the Organization’s policies, procedures, systems or structures. These may be deeply rooted in the organizational culture or may be the result of a misalignment of purpose and measures to provide incentives or a lack of coordination among organizational units in the implementation of strategies and policies. Early detection of these issues allows the Organization to respond in an adaptive and holistic way that can help manage present and future conflicts.


Some of the issues identified may be brought to the attention of relevant stakeholders who could play a role in alleviating workplace concerns. Upward feedback can be either location-based feedback (e.g., something affecting the staff working in a specific duty station) or thematic feedback.

An ombudsman or mediator does not replace management and has no mandate or authority to compel specific actions. The conflict-resolution expert does, however, expect that stakeholders and managers receiving confidential feedback regarding issues in their areas of control will look into the matters further and, where appropriate, take action in accordance with their mandate and lines of accountability.


The Office is often consulted on proposed and existing rules and regulations, policies and practices.