Information for Participants

Arrivals in Gaborone, Local transportation and Departures
Sir Seretse Khama International Airport (SSKIA) is an international airport located in Gaborone. All the receptions and farewells for participants will be arranged at the SSKIA. It is recommended that participants use commercial, chartered or special flights that arrive and depart from SSKIA.
To facilitate the reception of participants upon arrival and departure, a dedicated welcome and information desk will be set up at the Sir Seretse Khama International Airport.
To expedite this process, delegates must submit flight itineraries, copies of passports, and customs declarations to the Delegation Liaison Officer prior to arrival. Delegations accompanying Heads of State/Government in the same motorcade and/or aircraft are advised to appoint an airport coordinator to manage passports and luggage.
Flight Clearances
The Department of Protocol and Consular Service at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs will facilitate the application process for overflight and landing clearances for State aircrafts transporting Heads of State/Government, Vice-Presidents and Ministers.
Flight clearance requests must be submitted under cover of a Diplomatic Note Verbale to the Department of Protocol and Consular Services at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, via email to or telephone: +267 3600711, by 4th November 2024. The following is required to be included in the application, type of aircraft, registration Number, Call Sign, names of Captain, crew and their nationalities, list of Passengers and copies of their passports, colours of Aircraft, point of Entry and Departure, time of arrival and departure, flight Route, Operator/Owner of the Aircraft
The security of the aircrafts at Sir Seretse Khama International Airport will be the responsibility of the Government of the Republic of Botswana. Parking, refuelling, air navigation, landing and handling charges will be borne by the respective delegations. Transportation and accommodation of the crew of the special aircraft is the responsibility of the visiting delegation.
For Presidential aircrafts, a Diplomatic Note Verbale detailing, the flight schedule should be submitted to the Department of Protocol and Consular Services at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs at least five (5) days in advance, via email to or telephone: +267 3600711. The following is required to be included in the special flight information: Type of aircraft, Call Sign, Total Number of Passengers, Point of Departure, Time of Arrival and Departure, and Flight Route.
The Civil Aviation Authority of Botswana will assign specific landing and take-off slots in due course. Please note that any late submissions may hinder securing the allocation of the preferred time-slot.
Travelling by Road
Participants travelling should ensure that all the necessary arrangements are made in advance. This includes providing the Department of Protocol and Consular Services at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, with the following details, type of vehicle(s), registration number, colour of the vehicle(s), names of drivers, names of passengers, point of entry and exit, Date and time of arrival and departure
Delegations are requested to complete and submit the List of Delegation under cover of a Diplomatic Note Verbale and email to The delegation list should be arranged in order of precedence and include full names, passport numbers and designations of each member of the delegation.
Arrival and Departure proceedings
Heads of State and Government will be welcomed and seen-off by a Quarter Guard of Honour. Please note that no Honor Guard will be provided between1800hrs and 0600hrs.
A Minister-in-Attendance will greet and bid farewell to delegations led by Heads of State/Government and Vice-President.
Port Courtesies will only be extended to Heads of State/Government and their Spouses, Vice-Presidents and Ministers. All 0ther delegates must proceed through immigration, customs and security screening.
To expedite this process, delegates must submit flight itineraries, copies of passports, and customs declarations to the Delegation Liaison Officer prior to arrival. Delegations accompanying Heads of State/Government in the same motorcade and/or aircraft are advised to appoint an airport coordinator to manage passports and luggage.
Local transportation
The Government of Botswana will provide ground transportation for participants to attend the LLDC3 Conference and related official activities as follows:
Heads of State/Government and Vice-Presidents (1+1)
- One (1) VVIP Vehicle for the Head of State/Government
- One (1) VIP Vehicle for the Minister
- One (1) Luggage Van
Ministerial Delegations
- One (1) VIP Vehicle for the Minister
Additional transportation
- In addition to the official detail, each Delegation may rent additional means of transportation (cars, minibuses, vans and buses of varying capacities) to meet its transport needs.
Other Delegation/ Officials
Delegates will be provided with courtesy airport transfers on 08 and 14 December 2024. Delegates wishing to arrive early or remain in Botswana after the Conference are advised to make their own transport arrangements.
Delegates are responsible for their transportation needs between the hotels and conference venue. Delegations wishing to secure rented transportation (cars, minibuses, vans and buses of varying capacities) are encouraged to send their request to the following emails,;; for facilitation.
All designated vehicles will be branded and accredited to enter conference venues.