High-level Thematic Round Tables

High-level Thematic Round Table 1: Structural Transformation, Diversification, and Science Technology & Innovation as Drivers of Prosperity in LLDCs
Tuesday, 10 December 2024, 15:00-18:00
This session will focus on the challenges that impinge on landlocked developing countries¡¯ (LLDCs) economic potential, such as geographical constraints, reliance on primary commodities, and limited access to global markets. The round table will highlight the importance of structural transformation, especially through science, technology, and innovation (STI), as crucial for boosting productivity and economic growth. Agriculture, a key sector in many LLDCs, will be discussed as an area needing diversification and innovation. The panel will emphasize the necessity of building human capacities and entrepreneurship to leverage new technologies for sustainable development.
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High-level Thematic Round Table 2: Seizing the Transformative Potential of Trade, Trade Facilitation, and Regional Integration for LLDCs
Wednesday, 11 December 2024, 10:00-13:00
Trade challenges faced by LLDCs will be addressed, noting that these countries account for a small share of global trade despite comprising a significant portion of the population. LLDCs struggle with high transit costs and complex trade routes, leading to economic vulnerabilities. The round table will discuss the role of trade facilitation agreements, digital trade, and e-commerce as potential solutions. Regional integration will be highlighted as a pathway to improve trade and diversify exports, especially through collaboration with neighboring transit countries and multilateral trade systems.
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High-level Thematic Round Table 3: Building Sustainable Infrastructure, Strengthening Connectivity, and Promoting Unfettered Transit Systems for LLDCs
Wednesday, 11 December 2024, 15:00-18:00
The discussion will focus on the infrastructural challenges LLDCs encounter, such as limited access to seaports, inadequate road and rail networks, and poor digital connectivity. Transport corridors and multimodal transport systems will be seen as essential for improving trade and reducing costs. Digital infrastructure and energy connectivity will also be key themes, with emphasis on addressing the digital divide and ensuring access to affordable and sustainable energy. Regional cooperation and international partnerships will be noted as crucial to overcoming these infrastructural barriers.
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High-level Thematic Round Table 4: Enhancing Adaptive Capacity, Strengthening Resilience, and Addressing Vulnerability to Climate Change and Disasters in LLDCs
Thursday, 12 December 2024, 10:00-13:00
LLDCs are particularly vulnerable to climate change due to their reliance on climate-sensitive sectors such as agriculture and water resources. This round table will explore the importance of building adaptive capacity and strengthening disaster resilience. There will be a focus on increasing access to climate finance, developing early warning systems, and implementing disaster risk reduction strategies. The session will emphasize the need for international support in financing climate adaptation and renewable energy projects to help LLDCs build resilience against environmental challenges.
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High-level Thematic Round Table 5: Provision and Mobilization of Resources and Strengthened Global Partnerships for Sustainable Development in LLDCs
Thursday, 12 December 2024, 15:00-18:00
This session will discuss the financing gaps that hinder the sustainable development of LLDCs. Domestic resource mobilization will be emphasized as crucial for development, but LLDCs will continue to rely heavily on external financing, such as Official Development Assistance (ODA) and Foreign Direct Investment (FDI). The round table will stress the need for innovative financing mechanisms and international partnerships to meet infrastructure and development needs. The role of remittances and debt sustainability will also be examined, highlighting the necessity of creating favorable conditions for investment and debt relief.
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