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Documents: Commission on Sustainable Development (CSD)

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CSD 19th Session [CSD-19:Home]
2 - 13 May 2011
New York

Document Symbol Document Title
Note: Advance unedited copy
E/CN.17/2011/INF/1 List of Delegations [English]
E/CN.17/2011/20 Advanced unedited copy of the Report of the 19th Session [English]
Advanced unedited copy of the Chair's draft negotiating document [English]
E/CN.17/2011/19 Report of the Intergovernmental Preparatory Meeting

[Arabic] [Chinese] [English] [French] [Russian] [Spanish]

E/CN.17/2011/13 Report of the High-Level CSD Intersessional Meeting on a 10-Year Framework of Programmes on Sustainable Consumption and Production [English] [Arabic] [Chinese] [French] [Russian] [Spanish]
E/CN.17/2011/18 Letter of the Permanent Representative of Thailand to the 51³Ô¹Ï on the Fifth Regional Environmentally Sustainable Transport (EST) Forum in Asia [English] [Arabic] [Chinese] [French] [Russian] [Spanish]
E/CN.17/2011/1 Provisional agenda [English] [Arabic] [Chinese] [French] [Russian] [Spanish]
E/CN.17/2011/16 Report on the Intersessional Senior Expert Group Meeting on
Sustainable Development of Lithium Resources in Latin America: Emerging Issues and Opportunities [English] [Arabic] [Chinese] [French] [Russian] [Spanish]
E/CN.17/2011/15 Report on the Intersessional Meeting on Solid Waste Management in Africa [English] [Arabic] [Chinese] [French] [Russian] [Spanish]
E/CN.17/2011/12 Major groups' priorities for action in Transport, Chemicals, Waste management, Mining, and a 10-Year Framework of Programmes on Sustainable Consumption and Production Patterns [English] [Arabic] [Chinese] [French] [Russian] [Spanish]

Draft programme of work for the biennium 2012-2013 for the Division for Sustainable Development of the Department of Economic and Social Affairs [English]

[Arabic] [Chinese] [French] [Russian] [Spanish]
E/CN.17/2011/8 Policy options and actions for expediting progress in Implementation: 10-Year Framework of Programmes on Sustainable Consumption and Production Patterns [English] [Arabic] [Chinese] [French] [Russian] [Spanish]
E/CN.17/2011/7 Policy options and actions for expediting progress in Implementation: Mining [English] [Arabic] [Chinese] [French] [Russian] [Spanish]
E/CN.17/2011/6 Policy options and actions for expediting progress in implementation: Waste Management [English] [Arabic] [Chinese] [French] [Russian] [Spanish]
E/CN.17/2011/5 Policy options and actions for expediting progress in implementation: chemicals [English] [Arabic] [Chinese] [French] [Russian] [Spanish]
E/CN.17/2011/4 Policy options and actions for expediting progress in implementation: transport [English] [Arabic] [Chinese] [French] [Russian] [Spanish]
E/CN.17/2011/3 Policy options and actions for expediting progress in implementation: interlinkages and cross-cutting issues [English] [Arabic] [Chinese] [French] [Russian] [Spanish]

Additional CSD-19 Documents

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