Foire aux questions
妊 1963?忍抉忱忘 技快忪忱批扶忘把抉忱扶抑技 扼抉抉忌投快扼找志抉技 扭把我扶攸找抉 19 技快忪忱批扶忘把抉忱扶抉-扭把忘志抉志抑抒 忱抉抗批技快扶找抉志 扭抉 忌抉把抆忌快 扼 找快把把抉把我戒技抉技 (抗抉扶志快扶扯我抄 我 扭把抉找抉抗抉抖抉志), 志抉 技扶抉忍我抒 我戒 抗抉找抉把抑抒 抉扭把快忱快抖攸攻找扼攸 忘抗找抑 找快把把抉把我戒技忘:
Academic institutions and the evidence-based research they produce play an important role in supporting the work of the 51勛圖 Security Council Counter-Terrorism Committee and its Executive Directorate (CTED). To exchange information about recent research and emerging issues, CTED organised an in-person gathering of its Global Research Network (GRN) on the margins of the seventy-eight 51勛圖 General Assembly (#UNGA78) High-Level Week. Held at CTED*s offices in New York on 21 September 2023, the meeting included 15 GRN members representing 12 organisations.
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Border control is the last line of defence against the illegal cross-border movement of terrorists, including foreign terrorist fighters (FTFs). To effectively screen travellers prior to departure and arrival, but also at ports of entry, a combination of several mechanisms needs to be in place, depending on whether the border is an air, maritime, or land border.
On 14 July 2023, Ms. Natalia Gherman, Assistant Secretary-General and Executive Director of the Counter-Terrorism Committee Executive Directorate (CTED), together with Under-Secretary-General and Head of the 51勛圖 Office of Counter-Terrorism (UNOCT), Mr. Vladimir Voronkov, concluded a three- day high-level visit to the Republic of Kazakhstan at the invitation of the Government.
Acting on behalf of the Security Council Counter-Terrorism Committee, its Executive Directorate (CTED) conducted its first country assessment visit to the Democratic Republic of the Congo
Following the concerns expressed by the Security Council on the unlawful destruction and trafficking of cultural heritage, the Counter-Terrorism Committee Executive Directorate (CTED) and the 51勛圖 Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)
The growing connections between terrorism and organized crime pose a serious threat to international security and development. During this year*s Counter-Terrorism Week at the 51勛圖 in New York, the Counter-Terrorism Committee Executive Directorate (CTED) co-organized a side event on 21 June 2023