Juge Gao
Le TANU a estim¨¦ que le Comit¨¦ permanent de la Caisse commune des pensions du personnel des Nations Unies avait jug¨¦ ¨¤ juste titre que Mme Briel n'avait pas droit ¨¤ l'allocation de veuvage.
Le TANU a estim¨¦ que Mme Briel aurait d? soumettre son recours au TANU en utilisant le formulaire prescrit, accompagn¨¦ d'un m¨¦moire expliquant ses motifs de recours, d'autant plus qu'elle avait re?u des instructions claires de la part du greffe du TANU. N¨¦anmoins, le TANU a examin¨¦ le bien-fond¨¦ de son recours.
Le TANU a constat¨¦ qu'au moment du d¨¦c¨¨s du d¨¦funt participant, celui-ci n'avait pas d¨¦clar¨¦ Mme...
The UNAT held that the Standing Committee of UNJSPB had appropriately found Ms. Briel ineligible to receive a widow¡¯s benefit.
The UNAT found that Ms. Briel should have submitted her appeal to the UNAT using the prescribed form, accompanied by a brief explaining her grounds for appeal, particularly given that she had received clear instructions from the UNAT Registry. Nonetheless, the UNAT reviewed the merits of her appeal.
The UNAT found that, at the time of the late participant¡¯s death, he had not reported Ms. Briel as his spouse or common-law spouse. Moreover, there was no evidence to...
Le TANU a estim¨¦ que le DT de l'UNRWA avait conclu ¨¤ juste titre que M. Issa n'avait pas soumis dans les d¨¦lais une demande de r¨¦vision de d¨¦cision concernant le premier des trois mois de non-paiement de son salaire. Toutefois, le TANU a estim¨¦ que, puisque chaque non-paiement constitue une d¨¦cision administrative distincte, la demande de r¨¦vision de d¨¦cision de M. Issa concernant le non-paiement des deuxi¨¨me et troisi¨¨me mois a ¨¦t¨¦ introduite dans les d¨¦lais, ce qui rend sa demande partiellement recevable.
Le TANU a toutefois conclu que, puisque M. Issa n'a pas tenu compte d'une directive...
The UNAT held that the UNRWA DT had appropriately concluded that Mr. Issa failed to submit a timely Request for Decision Review regarding the first of three months¡¯ non-payment of his salary. However, the UNAT held that, since each non-payment constitutes a separate administrative decision, Mr. Issa's Request for Decision Review regarding the second- and third-months¡¯ non-payment was timely, rendering his application partially receivable.
The UNAT further concluded however, that since Mr. Issa disregarded a directive circulated before his annual leave (when he was able to check his e-mail)...
Le TANU a estim¨¦ que le Tribunal n'avait pas commis d'erreur en concluant que l'acte du fonctionnaire consistant ¨¤ offrir un jouet sexuel ¨¤ un subordonn¨¦ ¨¦tait inappropri¨¦, car il transgressait la fronti¨¨re entre la vie professionnelle et la vie personnelle du subordonn¨¦, m¨ºme si l'¨¦v¨¦nement s'¨¦tait d¨¦roul¨¦ en priv¨¦. Qu'il ait ¨¦t¨¦ sollicit¨¦ ou non, il pouvait avoir un impact n¨¦gatif sur l'image et les int¨¦r¨ºts de l'Organisation. Par cons¨¦quent, le TANU a conclu qu'en agissant de la sorte, l'agent n'avait pas respect¨¦ les normes requises pour son r?le de gestionnaire.
Le TANU a ¨¦galement estim¨¦...
The UNAT held that the UNDT did not err in finding that the staff member¡¯s action of gifting a sex toy to a subordinate was inappropriate, as it transgressed the boundary between the professional and personal life of the subordinate, even if the event took place in private. Whether solicited or not, it had the potential to negatively impact the image and interests of the Organization. Consequently, the UNAT concluded that by doing so, the staff member failed to uphold the required standard expected of her role as a manager.
The UNAT also found that the UNDT committed no error in finding that...
Le TANU a estim¨¦ que le pr¨¦sident du Conseil de l'OACI, en prenant la d¨¦cision de ne pas approuver la nomination de l'agent au poste, avait tenu compte de consid¨¦rations pertinentes : l'agent avait fait l'objet d'une ¨¦valuation n¨¦gative de la part du jury d'entretien et du centre d'¨¦valuation, et pr¨¦sentait de graves faiblesses dans les domaines de la vision et d'autres comp¨¦tences essentielles pour l'OACI. Le TANU a estim¨¦ que les raisons invoqu¨¦es par le pr¨¦sident ¨¦taient conformes aux faits.
Le TANU a estim¨¦ que, bien que le pr¨¦sident ait discut¨¦ de la question avec certains membres du jury...
The UNAT held that the President of the Council of ICAO, in taking the decision not to approve the appointment of the staff member to the post, had regard to relevant considerations: the staff member was negatively assessed by the interview panel and the assessment centre, and had serious weaknesses in areas of vision and other competencies which were critical skills for ICAO. The UNAT found that the reasons provided by the President accorded with the facts.
The UNAT was of the view that, although the President discussed the matter with some members of the panel, these discussions had not...
Le TANU a estim¨¦ que la demande de r¨¦vision n'¨¦tait pas fond¨¦e. Le TANU a consid¨¦r¨¦ qu'¨¦tant donn¨¦ que tous les ¨¦l¨¦ments de preuve pr¨¦sent¨¦s par la requ¨¦rante comme nouveaux avaient toujours ¨¦t¨¦ en sa possession et qu'elle ne les avait jamais mentionn¨¦s ou n'avait fait aucun effort pour les faire produire au cours de la proc¨¦dure judiciaire, ces ¨¦l¨¦ments de preuve n'¨¦taient pas nouveaux pour elle.
Le TANU a en outre not¨¦ que les observations de la requ¨¦rante r¨¦p¨¦taient ou compl¨¦taient essentiellement les m¨ºmes arguments que ceux qu'elle avait soulev¨¦s devant le TANU dans les proc¨¦dures...
The UNAT held that the application for revision had no merit. The UNAT considered that since all the evidence submitted by the applicant as new had always been in her possession and she had never mentioned them or made any effort to have them produced during the judicial proceedings, this evidence was not new to her.
The UNAT noted furthermore that the applicant¡¯s submissions essentially repeated or added to the same arguments that she had raised before the UNAT in the prior proceedings.
In addition, the UNAT pointed out that in failing to comply with the Order in which the UNAT granted in...
Le TANU a not¨¦ que la requ¨¦rante avait d¨¦pos¨¦ la demande de r¨¦vision quelque trois mois apr¨¨s avoir pris connaissance des faits d¨¦cisifs identifi¨¦s dans la demande. Le TANU a estim¨¦ que la demande avait ¨¦t¨¦ d¨¦pos¨¦e au-del¨¤ du d¨¦lai de 30 jours et qu'elle n'¨¦tait donc pas recevable.
Le TANU a constat¨¦ qu'en tout ¨¦tat de cause, l'un des documents n'existait pas au moment de l'arr¨ºt du TANU. Le TANU a ¨¦galement not¨¦ que le document n'avait pas ¨¦t¨¦ d¨¦cisif pour parvenir ¨¤ une d¨¦cision dans l'appel et que, pour cette raison, la demande constituait une tentative de r¨¦examen de l'appel. Le TANU a...
The UNAT noted that the applicant had filed the application for revision some three months after she became aware of the decisive facts as identified in the application. The UNAT held that the application had been filed beyond the 30-day time limit and was, therefore, not receivable.
The UNAT found that, in any event, one of the documents had not been in existence at the time of the UNAT Judgment. The UNAT also noted that the document had not been decisive in reaching a decision in the appeal and, for this reason, the application was an attempt to re-litigate the appeal. The UNAT concluded...
Mme Ocokoru a interjet¨¦ appel.
Le Tribunal d'appel a rejet¨¦ l'appel. Le Tribunal d'appel a estim¨¦ que Mme Ocokoru n'avait pas d¨¦pos¨¦ son recours dans le d¨¦lai applicable conform¨¦ment ¨¤ l'article 7(1) du Statut du TANU et n'avait pas demand¨¦ de suspension, de renonciation ou de prorogation des d¨¦lais. Le TANU a conclu que le recours ¨¦tait donc prescrit et non recevable ratione temporis.
Le Tribunal d'appel a estim¨¦ qu'en tout ¨¦tat de cause, le TANU n'avait pas commis d'erreur en d¨¦clarant la requ¨ºte irrecevable ratione materiae au motif que les arguments soulev¨¦s par Mme Ocokoru avaient d¨¦j¨¤...
Ms. Ocokoru filed an appeal.
The Appeals Tribunal dismissed the appeal. The Appeals Tribunal found that Ms. Ocokoru had failed to file her appeal within the applicable time limit pursuant to Article 7(1) of the UNAT Statute and had failed to request a suspension, waiver or extension of the time limits. The UNAT concluded that the appeal was therefore time-barred and not receivable ratione temporis.
The Appeals Tribunal found that, in any event, the UNDT did not err in finding the application not receivable ratione materiae on grounds that the arguments raised by Ms. Ocokoru had already...
? titre pr¨¦liminaire, la Commission d'appel a estim¨¦ que M. Radu n'avait pas d¨¦montr¨¦ l'existence de circonstances exceptionnelles ¨¤ l'appui de sa demande d'anonymat et a donc rejet¨¦ sa demande.
La Commission d'appel a rejet¨¦ l'appel de M. Radu concernant la d¨¦cision n¡ã 1 de la Commission d'appel. La Commission d'appel a estim¨¦ que m¨ºme si le R¨¨glement du personnel devait ¨ºtre interpr¨¦t¨¦ comme exigeant la consultation de la clinique m¨¦dicale ¨¤ ce moment-l¨¤, le fait que l'Organisation n'ait pas respect¨¦ le R¨¨glement du personnel n'aurait pas rendu la d¨¦cision nulle ab initio.
En ce qui...
As a preliminary matter, the Appeals Tribunal found that Mr. Radu had failed to demonstrate exceptional circumstances to support his request for anonymity and accordingly dismissed his request.
The Appeals Board dismissed Mr. Radu¡¯s appeal in relation to Appeals Board Decision No. 1. The Appeals Tribunal found that even if the Staff Rule was to be interpreted as to require consultation with the Medical Clinic at that time, the Organization¡¯s failure to abide by the Staff Rule would not render the decision void ab initio.
Turning to the appeal against Appeals Board Decision No. 2 to...
Le Tribunal d'appel a estim¨¦ que la raret¨¦ des commentaires positifs, compar¨¦e ¨¤ l'¨¦crasante majorit¨¦ des commentaires n¨¦gatifs, faisait de l'¨¦valuation des performances de Mme Haydar une ? d¨¦cision administrative ? ayant un impact n¨¦gatif direct sur son emploi. Le Tribunal d'appel a donc estim¨¦ que l'UNDT n'avait pas commis d'erreur en jugeant sa demande recevable.
S'agissant du bien-fond¨¦ de la demande, le Tribunal d'appel a estim¨¦ qu'en qualifiant les performances de Mme Haydar de ? satisfaisant aux attentes en mati¨¨re de performances ?, l'administration l'avait emp¨ºch¨¦e de contester l...
The Appeals Tribunal found that the paucity of positive comments, compared with the overwhelmingly negative comments rendered Ms. Haydar¡¯s performance evaluation an ¡°administrative decision¡± with a direct adverse impact on her employment. The Appeals Tribunal thus found that the UNDT did not err in finding her application receivable.
Turning to the merits of the application, the Appeals Tribunal found that by characterizing Ms. Haydar¡¯s performance as ¡°successfully meets performance expectations¡±, the Administration precluded her from contesting the appraisal through the rebuttal process...
Le Tribunal d'appel a estim¨¦ que l'UNDT avait ¨¤ juste titre rejet¨¦ la demande de M. Salon comme irrecevable au motif qu'il n'avait pas ¨¦tabli qu'une d¨¦cision administrative susceptible de recours avait ¨¦t¨¦ prise par l'Organisation et qu'en tout ¨¦tat de cause, il n'avait pas demand¨¦ d'¨¦valuation de la gestion.
The Appeals Tribunal found that the UNDT correctly dismissed Mr. Salon¡¯s application as not receivable on grounds that he had failed to establish that an appealable administrative decision had been taken by the Organization and that in any event, he had failed to request management evaluation.