
Passons de la simple gestion de la pauvret¨¦ ¨¤ la promotion de la transformation structurelle.
Dans une interview exclusive, le Pr¨¦sident de la Sierra Leone affirme que la configuration actuelle du Conseil de s¨¦curit¨¦ est d¨¦pass¨¦e et ne sert pas les int¨¦r¨ºts de l'Afrique de mani¨¨re ad¨¦quate.
L'initiative vise ¨¤ rendre ¨¦quitable et durable la transition mondiale vers les ¨¦nergies renouvelables
Porte de non-retour ¨¤ Ouidah, B¨¦nin.
Le 25 mars de chaque ann¨¦e est la Journ¨¦e internationale de comm¨¦moration des victimes de l'esclavage et de la traite transatlantique des esclaves.
L'initiative fait suite ¨¤ 14 d¨¦tections au Niger, au Tchad et en R¨¦publique centrafricaine.
World Health Organization
Ils r¨¦clament un renforcement du mod¨¨le op¨¦rationnel, des instruments de pr¨ºt et de la structure de gouvernance afin de pouvoir faire face plus efficacement aux chocs mondiaux tels que la pand¨¦mie de COVID-19, la guerre en Ukraine et la crise climatique
- Dr Nirmal Shah, un d¨¦fenseur de l'environnement chevronn¨¦
Les agriculteurs et les ¨¦leveurs se disputent l'acc¨¨s aux terres et aux p?turages.
Dans un contexte de s¨¦cheresse aigu? et persistante, les ¨¦leveurs du nord du Kenya - et d'autres r¨¦gions arides d'Afrique - sont dans une situation d¨¦sesp¨¦r¨¦e et fondent leur espoir sur une ¨¦ventuelle indemnisation des pertes et dommages
Les jeunes activistes manifestent pour demander aux dirigeants d'aborder la question de la responsab
Nous ne devons pas sous-estimer ¨¤ quel point une facilit¨¦ sur les pertes et les dommages peut changer la donne
Fazal Issa, responsable du programme climatique et environnemental ¨¤ l'ambassade d'Irlande en Tanzan
Le fonds pour les pertes et dommages est le bienvenu, mais il faut se pencher sur l'att¨¦nuation et l'op¨¦rationnalisation du fonds pour soutenir les plus vuln¨¦rables
Pie chanteuse des Seychelles
Le Dr Nirmal Shah, un ¨¦cologiste chevronn¨¦ des Seychelles, aide ¨¤ sauver des oiseaux rares
Les reportages sur l'environnement sont co?teux ; ils n¨¦cessitent de nombreux d¨¦placements et une prise de risque
Les femmes zimbabw¨¦ennes se tournent vers l'emploi dans le secteur minier, gr?ce aux incitations du gouvernement et des compagnies mini¨¨res
Maria de Jesus dos Reis Ferreira
- Pour Maria de Jesus dos Reis Ferreira, repr¨¦sentante permanente de l'Angola aupr¨¨s des Nations Unies, il est temps que l'Afrique obtienne justice en mati¨¨re de climat.
Illustration de jeunes leaders pour les Nations Unies
? la recherche de 17 jeunes ?g¨¦s de 15 ¨¤ 29 ans qui m¨¨nent le changement dans leurs communaut¨¦s
Les pays doivent non seulement se mettre d'accord sur des projets de politiques.
Les experts de la Semaine africaine du climat 2021 discutent de l'action climatique pour le r¨¦tablissement des pand¨¦mies.
Les pays africains s'engagent ¨¤ ¨¦liminer toutes les formes de polio
Pr¨¨s de 100 millions d¡¯enfants africains ont ¨¦t¨¦ vaccin¨¦s contre la polio depuis juillet 2020, apr¨¨s que certaines activit¨¦s ont ¨¦t¨¦ suspendues ¨¤ cause de la pand¨¦mie de COVID-19.
World Health Organization
Forte hausse des d¨¦c¨¨s dus ¨¤ la COVID-19, sur fond de flamb¨¦e d¡¯Ebola et d¡¯autres maladies.
Les livraisons de vaccins semblent s¡¯acc¨¦l¨¦rer mais le continent est confront¨¦ ¨¤ de nouvelles difficult¨¦s.
World Health Organization
Munyaradzi Chenje, le directeur r¨¦gional sortant, Bureau r¨¦gional pour l'Afrique.
? la veille de ma retraite, je me rem¨¦more les le?ons tir¨¦es de ce que j'appelle "l'universit¨¦ de la vie et du service".
Au 1er ao?t, le nombre de cas de COVID-19 avait connu une progression de 19 %, soit plus de 278 000.
Plus de 6400 d¨¦c¨¨s ont ¨¦t¨¦ signal¨¦s, soit une hausse de 2 % par rapport ¨¤ la semaine pr¨¦c¨¦dente.
World Health Organization
La Vice-Secr¨¦taire g¨¦n¨¦rale des Nations Unies, Amina Mohammed, s'entretient avec des jeunes femmes.
UN News
La codirectrice d'Africa Podfest, Melissa Mbugua, coanime le festival en direct de Baraza Media Lab
Une plateforme de m¨¦dias sociaux dynamique, afrocentrique f¨¦d¨¨re les voix du continent.
Viral Facts Afrique : une initiative pour lutter contre la dangereuse d¨¦sinformation dans le domaine
World Health Organization
La Covid-19 et le confinement ont durement frapp¨¦ les gens, de nombreux travailleurs journaliers ont
UN News
L'album 'Twice as Tall' est une fusion d'afrobeat, de reggae et de pop.
Damini Ogulu, alias Burna Boy, a remport¨¦ le prix du meilleur album de musique mondiale pour son album "Twice as Tall" sorti en 2020.
reprise verte
Les pays doivent adopter des mesures politiques qui encouragent les investissements verts et les PME.
Dr. Mzuri Issa lors d'une r¨¦union du comit¨¦ directeur de la section tanzanienne du R¨¦seau des femmes
Mme Issa est ¨¦galement ¨¤ l'avant-garde de la promotion de r¨¦formes juridiques qui permettront aux femmes de concourir efficacement sur un pied d'¨¦galit¨¦ avec les hommes.
Travailleurs de la construction
Les chercheurs ont constat¨¦ que les d¨¦penses ¨¦cologiques sont concentr¨¦es dans les pays et les populations les plus riches, ce qui risque de renforcer les dangereuses in¨¦galit¨¦s pr¨¦-pand¨¦miques.
Image d'un ouvrier du b?timent
Un nouveau rapport du PNUE et de l'Universit¨¦ d'Oxford brosse un tableau peu reluisant de la situation.
Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala (¨¤ droite) lors de la r¨¦union de haut niveau des Nations Unies sur la couverture
L'ancien ministre nig¨¦rian est la premi¨¨re femme et le premier Africain ¨¤ occuper ce poste
An image of An image of Wavel Ramkalawan, political leaders and health workers took the COVID-19
Les pays riches accaparent les stocks de vaccins disponibles et ¨¤ venir, tandis que les pays pauvres doivent attendre.
Angel Laureano tient un flacon du vaccin COVID-19. Photo : Lisa Ferdinando
L'acc¨¨s n¨¦cessite une solidarit¨¦ mondiale, une technologie partag¨¦e et une renonciation aux r¨¨gles de propri¨¦t¨¦ intellectuelle.
Les agents de sant¨¦ communautaires fournissent des services vitaux.
Des agents de sant¨¦ communautaires en premi¨¨re ligne.
La relocalisation par bateau, qui est le seul moyen de transport ¨¤ partir du point d'entr¨¦e de Tergo
Nouveaux d¨¦fis et opportunit¨¦s
Fatima Ada Isiaku, une survivante de la violence sexuelle.
Fatima Ada Isiaku n'avait que 5 ans lorsque son beau-p¨¨re a commenc¨¦ ¨¤ l'abuser sexuellement.
United nations Secretary-General Ant¨®nio Guterres.
La d¨¦claration suivante a ¨¦t¨¦ communiqu¨¦e, aujourd¡¯hui, par le Porte-parole de M. Ant¨®nio Guterres, Secr¨¦taire g¨¦n¨¦ral de l¡¯ONU:
En collaboration avec le minist¨¨re de la sant¨¦, l'UNICEF dirige les efforts de communication...
Les gens du monde entier sont invit¨¦s ¨¤ marquer une pause avant de partager en ligne
Le Conseil de s¨¦curit¨¦ adopte ¨¤ l'unanimit¨¦ la r¨¦solution 1325 (2000)
Le m¨¦canisme africain d'¨¦valuation par les pairs et le Bureau du Conseiller sp¨¦cial pour l'Afrique des Nations Unies appellent ¨¤ une plus grande inclusion des femmes dans les processus de paix et de s¨¦curit¨¦
Agnes Kalibata, (au centre) s'exprimant lors d'un d¨¦bat : Nourrir le futur
- Mme Agnes Kalibata, Envoy¨¦e sp¨¦ciale des Nations Unies pour le Sommet sur les syst¨¨mes alimentaires de 2021
Le port de Tema, au Ghana.
Faire comme si de rien n¡¯¨¦tait lors de la reprise ¨¦conomique post-pand¨¦mique ne fera que renforcer les difficult¨¦s du continent.
World Humanitarian Day 2020
Ils combattent la pand¨¦mie de COVID-19 et portent secours aux victimes.
L¡¯¨¦chantillonnage group¨¦ accro?t les tests de COVID-19 au Ghana
World Health Organization
Des m¨¨res ¨¤ la maternit¨¦ du village de Nassian, dans le nord-est de la C?te d'Ivoire. (mars 2017)
UN News
Les nouvelles technologies et les nouveaux mod¨¨les commerciaux cr¨¦ent un march¨¦ de masse pour des se
¡ª Wamkele Mene, chef du secr¨¦tariat de la zone de libre-¨¦change continentale africaine (ZLECA)
Le chemin de fer Addis-Abeba-Djibouti
Appel ¨¤ un gel temporaire pour tous
L'Ambassadeur Jerry Matjila est le Repr¨¦sentant Permanent Sud-Africain ¨¤ l'ONU.
¡ª Le repr¨¦sentant permanent de l'Afrique du Sud aupr¨¨s des Nations unies, l'ambassadeur Jerry Matjila
L'Afrique atteint le cap du million de cas de COVID-19
World Health Organization
Les femmes au Nig¨¦ria collectent des bons alimentaires dans le cadre d'un programme de soutien aux
UN News
Amadou, ?g¨¦ d'un mois, est n¨¦ dans le centre de sant¨¦ d'Arlit, r¨¦cemment r¨¦nov¨¦. Photo : OIM/Monica
Une femme au travail dans une usine de fabrication de v¨ºtements ¨¤ Harare, Zimbabwe.
UN News
En septembre 2018, le Secr¨¦taire g¨¦n¨¦ral de l'ONU Antonio Guterres
UN News
Siya Kolisi d¨¦sign¨¦ comme d¨¦fenseur mondial des Nations unies
Annonc¨¦ lors de la Journ¨¦e Mandela, il contribuera ¨¤ la lutte contre la violence ¨¤ l'¨¦gard des femmes
Le docteur Morissanda Kouyat¨¦, Guin¨¦e, est co-laur¨¦at du prix Nelson Mandela 2020
UN News
L'OIM continue ¨¤ assurer l'enregistrement, la coordination des activit¨¦s humanitaires, les services
UN News
Les infirmi¨¨res communautaires du Ghana fournissent des soins de sant¨¦ aux enfants sur fond de COVID
World Health Organization
Jos¨¦ Fernandes est infirmier d'intervention d'urgence chez SOS International, Angola
¡ª Jos¨¦ Fernandes, infirmier urgentiste, Angola
World Health Organization
Sauvetage d'¨¦l¨¦phants orphelins au David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust au Kenya.
 N¨¦gociant en textile ¨¤ Elubo (Ghana)
Wamkele Mene, Secr¨¦taire-G¨¦n¨¦ral, Secr¨¦tariat de la zone de libre-¨¦change continentale africaine (AfCFTA)
Un petit producteur d'avocats dans les Highlands du sud de la Tanzanie. Cr¨¦dit photo : USAID Tanzani
Alors que de plus en plus d'agriculteurs tanzaniens se tournent vers la production d'avocats, l'EU-EAC MARKUP contribue ¨¤ stimuler le commerce r¨¦gional et la capacit¨¦ d'exportation des produits horticoles en Tanzanie.
Z¨¨bre et girafes
Apr¨¨s des millions d'emplois perdus ¨¤ cause de la pand¨¦mie de COVID-19, l'industrie africaine du voyage et du tourisme innove et cherche de l'aide pour survivre.
Africa records over 500 000 COVID-19 cases
World Health Organization
Demonstrators take to the streets in the Sudanese capital, Khartoum on 11 April 2019,
UN News
A young girl cooks in a rural village in Ethiopia, where the land has been affected by recurrent droughts.
UN News
It is the word ¡°Yakaar¡± (hope in Wolof) that is boldly scrawled in capitals on a concrete wall in the heart of Dakar.
A resident walks past Djingareyber Mosque in Timbuktu, Mali, once a legendary city with a large collection of treasured manuscripts, now an endangered UNESCO World Heritage Site.
UN News
Due to the border closures decreed by governments to prevent the spread of COVID-19 across West Africa, at least 30,000 migrants are stranded at borders.
IOM launched this week the nation-wide online campaign ¡°Fake News Project¡±.
UN Photo/Manuel Elias
- Mme Winnie Byanyima est la nouvelle Directrice Ex¨¦cutive du Programme Commun des Nations Unies sur le VIH/SIDA (ONUSIDA).
Nancy Abuya, medical doctor, Kenya
- Dr. Nancy Abuya, m¨¦decin, Kenya
Mamina Bojang, Deputy Matron, the Gambia
¡ª Mamina Bojang, Chef de Clinique Adjoint, Gambie
Chelvin Ramsamy of Mauritius
L'¨¦ducation comme arme la plus puissante pour changer le monde
Hanna Tetteh
¡ª Hanna Tetteh, Repr¨¦sentante Sp¨¦ciale du Secr¨¦taire-G¨¦n¨¦ral des Nations Unies aupr¨¨s de l'Union Africaine
Investment flows in Africa set to fall sharply following decline in 2019
In the Somali region of Ethiopia, recurring droughts and locust invasions were already threatening food security. With COVID-19, the socio-economic impacts being felt across Ethiopia are wide-ranging and serious, with the potential to become severe, the r
Perched on the heights of Mount el Gorr?a, the gardens of Djebba el Olia form a unique agroforestry system.
a cargo flight from WFP¡¯s newly established Global Humanitarian Response Hub in Li¨¨ge, Belgium arrived in Burkina Faso carrying almost 16 metric tons of medical cargo and personal protective equipment like masks and gloves on behalf of UNICEF and the Inte
Major Monira Mahjabeen Mowri, from Bangladesh, serving in South Sudan
-Le Major Monira Mahjabeen Mowri, du Bangladesh, en service au Soudan du Sud
Populations in remote areas are heavily affected by the decrease in remittances sent by Chadian Diaspora.
Every year, thousands of seasonal workers from West and Central Africa travel to gold mining areas in Burkina Faso, Senegal or Mali.
Meles Alem, Ethiopian Ambassador to Kenya handing over food donation to one of the beneficiaries.
Captain Tanvi Shukla from India, serving in the DR Congo
-Capitaine Tanvi Shukla, Inde, en service en RD Congo
UN Police hold a COVID-19 information session for vulnerable street children in Kananga, Democratic Republic of the Congo.
UN News
Roseline Stephen Agwai, from Nigeria, serving in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC)
-Major Roseline Stephen Agwai, du Nigeria, en service en R¨¦publique d¨¦mocratique du Congo (RDC)
Protests are under way in New York City against racism and police violence
UN News
Malian refugees seek shelter in T¨¦lems¨¨s, Niger, after violence has escalated in the Sahel region.
UN News
Children at an internally displaced persons camp in Maiduguri, Borno State, Nigeria.
UN News
A woman tends to saplings in the tree nursery in Al Jabalain, Sudan.
Les r¨¦fugi¨¦s et leurs h?tes s¡¯affairent ensemble ¨¤ planter un million d¡¯arbres, dans le cadre d¡¯une vaste campagne de reboisement dans l¡¯?tat du Nil blanc au Soudan.
Farmers wear masks during a Farmer Field School session on COVID-19 prevention in Malanje Province, Lombe community. Angola has very few cases of COVID-19, and FAO together with the Angolan government, is working to keep it that way
Une campagne d'information permet aux communaut¨¦s rurales d¡¯apprendre ¨¤ se prot¨¦ger contre le coronavirus
¡ªPaul Akiwumi, UNCTAD¡¯s Director, Division for Africa, LDCs and Special Programmes
-Paul Akiwumi, Directeur de la Division pour l'Afrique, les PMA et les programmes sp¨¦ciaux de la CNUCED
Girls washing dishes in Lome, Togo.
-Paul Akiwumi, directeur de la division de la CNUCED pour l'Afrique et les pays les moins avanc¨¦s
Global call to fight infodemic
UN News
-Lieutenant Colonel Martha Masango, serving in the DR Congo
-Lieutenant-colonel Martha Masango, en service en RD Congo
The 2019 Index, which builds on the first edition published in 2016, provides up-to-date data on the status and progress of regional integration in Africa.
Handover of consumable medical equipment to St. Paul's Hospital
IOM facilitated the voluntary return of 179 Malian migrants stranded in Niger.
The economic contraction projected for 2020 as a result of the pandemic would disproportionately affect the poor and vulnerable, small and informal businesses, and small-scale agricultural producers
Des mesures cibl¨¦es et une r¨¦pression des flux financiers illicites aideront
IOM medical staff training personnel at the Quarantine Centre in Addis Ababa.
The African Agricultural Technology Foundation (AATF) and the African Union Development Agency-NEPAD (AUDA-NEPAD), have signed a collaboration agreement that will facilitate joint work towards building a market system for the commercialisation of research
When sea cucumbers are farmed sustainably, they can boost biodiversity and livelihoods in Zanzibar.
Nouveaux moyens d¡¯existence, les holothuries sont porteuses d¡¯un nouvel espoir
Ibrahima Sow, a Senegalese returnee, dressed up to show his work as a market gardener.
Volunteers have provided briefings, along with masks, gloves, and sanitizing products
Mr. Boss Mustapha, Secretary to the Government of the Federation, speaking at the launch of the UN COVID-19 Basket Fund
Final stages of the solar power plant installation at the Humanitarian Hub in Malakal, South Sudan
A school of Travally fish in the Solomon Islands
UN News
Dr. Salah Okeel, Offshore Medical Doctor in Egypt
-Dr. Salah Okeel, m¨¦decin de marine en ?gypte
The African Orphan Crops Consortium (AOCC) is an international effort to improve nutrition, productivity and climatic adaptability of some of Africa¡¯s most important food crops
A World Health Organization (WHO) Ebola vaccination team works in Butembo in the Democratic Republic of the Congo in January 2019.
UN News
Handwashing station in Bria, CAR. Part of a CVR programme run by MINUSCA
UN News
Staff from the Bosasso MRC in Puntland on an outreach in the informal settlement frequented by Ethiopian migrants
In IOM teams in Mandruzi resettlement site, in Sofala Province, Mozambique,  train site leadership committee on COVID-19 prevention to pass on messages to site residents.
Children sit idly with their father, observing the destruction of their community¡¯s homes in Bujumbura Rural Province, Burundi.
Wunthou border in Renk, South Sudan
Lieutenant-Colonel Doamba Sawadogo from Burkina Faso, serving in DR Congo
-Lieutenant-colonel Doamba Sawadogo, du Burkina Faso, servant en RD Congo
Wearing face mask
UN News
IOM and returnees demonstrate hygiene measures
Chinsisi Jafali, a 14-year-old with albinism in Malawi
UN News
In the Kibera slum in Nairobi, Kenya, residents are provided with soap and water to wash their hands in order to help halt the spread of the coronavirus.
UN News
A stark hunger outlook means finding new ways to reach Somalis in need
Screening of passengers, Maya Maya airport, Bzv
World Health Organization
 Desert Locust Swarms
L'Afrique de l'Est frapp¨¦e par une seconde vague de criquets p¨¨lerins, laissant des millions de personnes en situation d'ins¨¦curit¨¦ alimentaire
Some schools in Mozambique were able to stay open in the aftermath of Cyclone Idai
UN News
The UN Development Programme is running a COVID-19 awareness campaign with the Somali National Army in the capital Mogadishu
UN News
Major Nargis Parvin from Bangladesh, serving in the DR Congo
-Le major Nargis Parvin, du Bangladesh, en poste en R¨¦publique d¨¦mocratique du Congo
The lack of access to clean water, or money to buy it, is among the major risk factors for migrants transiting through Djibouti.
Dr. Alison Amarachukwu Karen (Nigeria)
-Dr. Alison Amarachukwu Karen (Nigeria)
Explorer des id¨¦es concr¨¨tes et r¨¦alisables pour rendre l'Afrique plus forte et plus r¨¦sistante
Secretary-General Ant¨®nio Guterres
La COVID19 menace les progr¨¨s accomplis en Afrique
Dr. Theo-Ben Kandetu (Namibia)
-Dr. Theo-Ben Kandetu (Namibia)
The Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) today released a Policy Brief which provides a preliminary analysis, from an African perspective, of the limits of international trade law in times of crisis such as now and offers powerful policy recommendations f
Passenger screening at Maya Maya international airport, Brazzaville, Republic of Congo.
and Adama Dieng  and 
Les fonctionnaires de l'ONU appellent ¨¤ la solidarit¨¦, ¨¤ la compassion et ¨¤ l'unit¨¦
Passenger screening at Maya Maya international airport, Brazzaville, Republic of Congo.
and Adama Dieng  and 
Les fonctionnaires de l'ONU appellent ¨¤ la solidarit¨¦, ¨¤ la compassion et ¨¤ l'unit¨¦
Jackline Urujeni from Rwanda, serving in South Sudan
-Jackline Urujeni du Rwanda, servant au Soudan du Sud
The UN Economic Commission for Africa is helping to bring unique African ...
Africa¡¯s telecoms infrastructure services need to be revamped if the continent is to effectively deliver digital health services, a new paper from the Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) notes.
Igihozo, 11, listens to a lesson on a radio after his school was closed in Rwanda.
Les pays utilisent la radio, la t¨¦l¨¦vision et internet pour maintenir l'engagement des ¨¦tudiants
Growing alliance of news and entertainment companies brings focus on socio-economic impact of COVID-19 crisis to its two-billion-strong audience
Children fill their cups at a water point built by UNICEF at Kanyosha III primary school in Bujumbura, Burundi.
UN News
Transhumant herder and families accounts for an estimated 20 per cent of the total population in West and Central Africa, are forced to stop their seasonal migration as a result of border closures.
-Okwa Morphy from Nigeria, serving in South Sudan
-Okwa Morphy du Nigeria, en mission au Soudan du Sud
-Wamkele Mene, Secretary General, African Continental Free Trade Area  Secretariat (AfCFTA)
-Wamkele Mene, secr¨¦taire g¨¦n¨¦ral, Zone de libre-¨¦change continentale africaine Secr¨¦tariat (ZLECA)
Conflict and the COVID-19 pandemic present a significant threat to life in Libya.  The health and safety of the country¡¯s entire population are at risk.
As the continent begins to talk of exiting lockdowns that were imposed to curtail the spread of the virus, there is need to ensure that women and girls are protected
Last week, IOM provided food and hygiene kits to 13 stranded migrants.
¡°Boosting intra-African trade can serve as an alternative stimulus package for job creation, foreign exchange, industrial development and economic growth,¡± said Mr. Karingi.
Desert Locust swarms in Kenya.
ECA proposes COVID-19 exit strategies to bring African economies back on track
IOM staff stand ready to supervise COVID-19 preventive measures activities at a point of control in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of the Congo.
POE personnel conducting screening at Tombo Wharf, a major trade and transport hub located in Freetown.
ECA leads discussion on Africa¡¯s COVID-19 lockdown exit strategies
Ms. Wafula-Strike is founder of the Olympia-Wafula Foundation ...
L'ONU demande que les personnes handicap¨¦es soient au centre de la r¨¦ponse
¡°UNAMID, in consultation with Government and in partnership with the UN Agency, Funds and Programmes (AFPs) implementing the Joint State Liaison Functions (SLFs) in Darfur, have agreed to allocate almost two million US dollars to support the Transitional
New WHO estimates: Up to 190 000 people could die of COVID-19 in Africa if not controlled
World Health Organization
Secretary-General Ant¨®nio Guterres...
Secr¨¦taire g¨¦n¨¦ral Ant¨®nio Guterres
Only a united Africa can defeat COVID-19
Ahunna Eziakonwa, directrice du bureau r¨¦gional du PNUD pour l'Afrique
Dr. John Nkengasong, Director of the Africa CDC
- Dr John Nkengasong, directeur des Centres africains pour le contr?le et la pr¨¦vention des maladies (Africa CDC)
Top African health officials say the continent has taken what appear to be effective measures in curbing the spread of coronavirus.
Abdou is one of 20 returnees participating in this reintegration initiative.
Par Oxfam
A WFP-contracted Boeing 757 cargo flight being prepared to depart the newly-established Global Humanitarian Response Hub in Li¨¨ge, Belgium carrying almost 16 mt of medical cargo and personal protective equipment such as masks and gloves on behalf of UNICE
Dr. Ergogie Tesfaye, Minister of Labour and Social Affairs, UN Resident Coordinator, Dr. Catherine Sozi, joined IOM Chief of Mission and Representative to AU, UNECA and IGAD, Maureen Achieng, on a visit to Addis Ababa University¡¯s Sidist Kilo campus quara
Niger reports new polio outbreak
National regulatory authorities and national ethics committees from across Africa have agreed to combine their expertise to expedite clinical trial review and approvals for new multinational preventive, diagnostic and therapeutic interventions to the COVI
UNAMID peacekeepers provide protection to local women in Aurokuom village farming area south Zalingei, Central Darfur.
UN News
Deputy Secretary-General Amina J Mohammad
CCHub and the AfricaCDC are working together to counter COVID-19
Par CCHub
Social mobilisation team broadcasting messages from a van and giving out materials on COVID-19 prevention in Hararghe Ethiopia.
It is clear that the novel coronavirus has led to physical confinement in many parts of the world but enterprises which leverage the power of digital and innovative technologies continue doing business
A town crier in Baga Sola (Lake Chad) informs communities in remote areas on the COVID-19.
Shelter workers have begun the construction of a quarantine facility in Pulka where 56,014 IDPs live in camps and host communities.
Ahunna Eziakonwa, director of the UNDP Regional Bureau for Africa
-Ahunna Eziakonwa, directrice du bureau r¨¦gional du PNUD pour l'Afrique
Staff at the Lodwar Hospital Wellness Centre make a 'stop violence against children' hand sign in February 2020 (before the outbreak of COVID-19 in Kenya). The centre supports child survivors of violence and abuse.
and Maniza Zaman  and 
Staff at the Lodwar Hospital Wellness Centre make a 'stop violence against children' hand sign in February 2020 (before the outbreak of COVID-19 in Kenya). The centre supports child survivors of violence and abuse.
and Maniza Zaman  and 
A displaced family from a village in Mali was relocated to a former school.
UN News
In Nigeria, the UN has been working with the government and others to fight the coronavirus pandemic.
UN News
Shelter distribution for displaced families in Cabo Delgado, Mozambique incorporates social distancing, hand washing and other COVID-19 precautions.
IOM and returnees demonstrate hygiene measures and handwashing to migrants in transit and displaced persons in Niger.
IOM Mozambique conducts screening of migrant worker and miner communities for tuberculosis, HIV, hypertension and diabetes, Massinga, Inhambane Province.
Doctors from H?pital R¨¦gional d'Arta in Djibouti wearing 3D-printed face shields.
A health worker combating COVID-19
IOM Ethiopia Staff register returnees from Saudi Arabia at the Civil Service College quarantine centre in Addis Ababa.
WHO, WFP and AU deliver critical supplies as COVID-19 accelerates in West and Central Africa
COVID-19 in Africa: Protecting Lives and Economies
Screengrab of the FAO-AU Ministerial (virtual) Meeting on the Impacts of COVID-19 on Food Security in Africa.
Globalisation linkage to COVID-19: How Africa¡¯s Economy is Impacted?
The NEPAD Business Foundation (NBF) endorsed the African Union Development Agency-NEPAD¡¯s COVID-19 Response Plan of Action.
AUDA-NEPAD¡¯s Environmental Sustainability Division
COVID-19 pandemic expands reach in Africa
Swarm of Desert Locusts in Isiolo County in Kenya
Participants in FAO's Desert locust response work in Somalia wearing face masks
Benin goes on digital offensive against COVID-19
COVID-19 awareness raising campaign in Ombeda locality, Omdurman-Khartoum State targeting homeless people in the community.
Drawing on Ebola readiness to tackle COVID-19
Testing is being conducted to find individuals affected by COVID-19
Squeezing palm oil.
Une baisse de la demande et une chute des prix de l¡¯huile provoqu¨¦es par la pand¨¦mie contribuent ¨¤ faire baisser les prix internationaux des principaux produits alimentaires
Secretary-General Ant¨®nio Guterres
Les parties en conflits dans de nombreux pays confirment les cessez-le-feu ou s¡¯appr¨ºtent ¨¤ d¨¦poser les armes.
Migrants staying at the transit centres are regularly sensitized about COVID-19 prevention measures
Two young boys carry water next to an camp for displaced people near the town of Jowhar, Somalia.
UN News
A mother holds her 3-month-old baby as he receives a vaccination against measles at a health centre in Lubumbashi, Democratic Republic of the Congo.
UN News
A mother and her baby at Internally Displaced People (IDP) Camp B in Mafa, Borno State, Nigeria.
UN News
Secretary-General Ant¨®nio Guterres takes part in the extraordinary Virtual Leaders¡¯ Summit of the Group of Twenty (G-20) on the COVID-19 Pandemic
The Economic Commission for Africa and the UN Communications Group last week handed over to the Government of Ethiopia, awareness materials to ensure ordinary citizens have access to timely and accurate information in the fight against the COVID-19 outbre
Unemployed taxi drivers during the Ebola crisis, Liberia 2014. The COVID-19 crisis threatens to disproportionately hit developing countries¨CIncome losses are expected to exceed $220 billion.
Le PNUD appelle ¨¤ un soutien d¡¯une ampleur sans pr¨¦c¨¦dent pour lutter contre le COVID-19 ¨¤ long terme dans les pays vuln¨¦rables
Travaux d'infrastructures destin¨¦s ¨¤ employer de la main d'oeuvre en Egypte.
UN News
Local business preparing meals
Les recommandations r¨¦cemment publi¨¦es ¨¤ l'intention des entreprises visent ¨¤ aider les employeurs ¨¤ renforcer le soutien aux familles pendant la pand¨¦mie.
L'Afrique, en revanche, sera davantage durement touch¨¦e, avec de lourdes et durables cons¨¦quences ¨¦conomiques, qui menaceront les progr¨¨s et perspectives (futures), accro?tront les in¨¦galit¨¦s entre et dans les diff¨¦rents pays, et d¨¦graderont/empireront le
Global food supply chains are complex and include these kale farmers in Uganda.
UNICEF dispatched additional 21 Emergency Drug Kits (which include personal protective equipments) to contribute in equipping the identified COVID-19 isolation centres in Addis Ababa, Diredawa city administration and all the regions.
Workers producing pharmaceutical products
La ZLECA peut ¨ºtre un m¨¦canisme permettant de renforcer la r¨¦silience ¨¤ long terme du continent
Scientist testing vial
World Health Organization
UNECA logo
An aerial view of Tripoli, Libya from a UN aircraft. (file)
UN News
UN Female Police Officer of the Year, Major Seynabou Diouf of Senegal.
UN News
UN Secretary-General Ant¨®nio Guterres addresses a Security Council meeting on peace and security in Africa.
UN News
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UN News
Ms. Dimakatso Maila
¨C Mme Dimakatso Maila, serving in DR Congo
Aerial view of Mozambique affected by floods due to the tropical cyclone Idai
UN News